Chapter 11: Sleep and Surprises

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   "Mummy's home, flat!" Lottie called out to our flat as soon as she opened and unlocked the door. "Did you miss mummy?"

  I looked over at Lottie with my eyebrow arched. She could be seriously weird at times.

   "Don't give me that face!" She protested. "Flat and I have been through a lot together."

   I shook my head smiling at her and rolled my luggage into my bedroom. Setting it down on my bed and beginning to unpack, Lottie made some more conversation from her bedroom. "I slept really well on that plane."

   "I'm glad you did, 'cause I sure didn't. I found a good Hallmark movie though!" I replied.

   "So is that why you were crying?"

   "I was not crying!"

   "Your eyes were glistening!" she continued.

   "That is not the same as crying!" I protested.

   "Mhmm. What film was it?"

   "I think it was called Remember Sunday."

   "Oh! Is that the one with the lad who can't remember things and falls in love with that girl?"


   "Aww, I love that one! I'm pretty sure it made me cry too."

   "I did not cry!" I reiterated hopelessly. She didn't respond. She probably just thought I was in denial.

   After quickly unpacking the majority of my clothes, I had to get ready for school. I pulled out my grey and purple school uniform out of my armoire and tried to smooth out some of the wrinkles. Even though we were jet lagged, we decided it would be best not to miss another day of school. Sunday night was the concert and on Monday we were recuperating from it. At around six p.m. on Monday, we had begun our eight hour flight back to London. Therefore, it was now 7:30 on a Tuesday, I was dead tired, and school would begin in just a half an hour.

   I hurried into the bathroom to change into the uniform and wash my face in freezing cold water in hopes that it would wake me up some. As I walked to the living room, I tried my best to smooth back my hair into a simple pony tail. Lottie was in the kitchenette, quickly preparing oatmeal for us. She sprinkled some cinnamon on top and then handed me a bowl, rushing off to get ready herself.

   I gobbled down the hot breakfast. By the time I had washed my bowl and spoon, Lottie had her backpack on her back and her guitar case in hand all ready to go. I swung my own backpack over my shoulder while we both rushed out our flat to catch a cab. Once in a cab, the digital alarm clock warned us that the tardy bell for class would ring in only five minutes.

   My fingers tap danced on my legs and my teeth gnawed on my lip in distress. I shifted my gaze from the window to the clock every few seconds, grimacing when the number of minutes increased. The traffic was relatively light for London's rush hour, yet still proved too slow for time and I.

   When the clock ticked to eight o'clock, a huge twang of guilt and annoyance swept over me. This would officially be my first, unexcused tardy. That said, I couldn't have moved any faster that morning than I already did.

   We arrived at school seven minutes late. Lottie paid the driver and permitted me to leave her so I could get to class. She could clearly see how conflicted I was about this. I practically ran through the halls in pursuit of finding my math class. When I did, I busted through the door, causing much more of a scene than I had ever wanted.

   My professor whirled around startled only to see my disheveled self panting by the doorframe. "Ah, Miss Adkins," she cooed smoothly, having regained her composure, "it's nice of you to join us."

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