Dragon Fire and Ruin

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Authors note: So guys since I have been having trouble with my others stories inspiration I'm trying another Thranduil fic. Sorry for the lack of updates this week I've been frazzled this week. Set after first war of the ring and before the hobbit.


Long ago there were many of us. We lived in peace in the great north mountains. With our dragons we were free and a great flourishing people. Harmony peace and greatness.

Not all good things last throughout the millennium. Somethings end. Not all things end as we expect them to. The war of the ring came and we were called to fight with our elf allies.

We lost so many that day our numbers couldn't be replensihed. The orcs moved to the mountains and the subsequent raids killed off the rest. I am all that is left. I am the last of the dragon people. Those that ride upon the backs of dragons. Two beings that are one.

How do I go on? How am I to survive this? I realize the one thing many over look that happens when being the last of anything. That by the by there will be none left at all. I must go on alone with only frostvirne as my ally. I gave up helping others long ago.

How am I to avoid an immortal elf king that hate my kind and my friends? Thranduil is no enemy to think light of. He is the worst of enemies. The funny thing about elves is that they hold on to things like that. Scars that go too deep to see.

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