Chapter 3

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Authors note: So I've been on a Thranduil race recently. Yay! On with the story. Read review and enjoy.

Ageless memory.

Golden blue eyes gazed at the great greenwood and the Elven city she saw. It twas the first time she had been to her mothers neighbors. Her eyes remained narrowed in suspicion instead of awe. Her mother gazed about with a large smile and ready happiness.

She saw the awe the simple wood Elves gave them as they walked past. The culture they hailed from lent them vibrant colors and bold beautiful scenes of tranquil nature upon the silk robes that they wore. The bold coloring of her people tended to draw the eye as well.

There before them was the dais where the prince regent and the king sat waiting. She would garner these allies worth today. If found unworthy her warriors would do nothing to aid them. A loyal heart , a strong constitution, and a love of their people made a good ruler. If these elves had none of these well they were unworthy.

"Welcome to the halls of my kingdom great Dragormiras I hope the journey wasn't too hard from the great north ?" Oropher said as they all bowed to him.

The king didn't garner her attention instead it latched onto the second elf on the dais. Prince regent. The honored son. Those flashing eyes and cool composure. The most ethereal thing she had ever beheld. It was as if she was blinded by the light he exuded. The valar gifted this male well with his quick mind and beauty. A dangerous beauty. One had to tired carefully with those.

One dark brow rose at her study of him as if to say 'do you find me lacking?'

"This is the daughter you spoke of? Rhea?" Oropher asked bringing her attention to him.

"She wishes to stay within your halls and study here to better gain knowledge of life outside our kingdom. I pray you would consider it good king" her mother said motioning her up to stand beside her.

She bowed low not breaking her gaze with the king. She would show respect but trust they would earn.

"We will discuss it at length through the feast if it pleases you? I as of now see no problem to this proposition"

She knew what she had to do. Get to the king by getting to the son. This wouldn't take very long. A kingdom would fall by her hand. The darkest powers moved against these elves.

Later As she brushed out her onyx locks she hummed an old song.

'A rare beauty in the north

She's the finest lady on earth.

A glance from her a city falls.

A second glance leaves a nation in ruins.

There is no nation or city that has been more cherished than a beauty such as this'


She had had a purpose to fulfill. After her mother had aligned with sauron. Kill the king and prince of Mirkwood. End that line then come to the battle fronts. They had been worthy to kill.

There was one simple problem with her mothers plan. She had loved the prince with every breath more fiercely than the last. She would have died for him. She betrayed her family and her people and wrought down saurons wrath upon them for her love of him. She was not ashamed for she had lived and loved and had many moments with him she would never regret.

But alas they were just memories now. . . And their sacred love had been so broken by her betrayal and quick anger that their was no chance for it to ever be so again.

She sorrowed because of it . . .

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