Pax and stuff

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I woke up alone in my own bed, but evidence that something happend last night was ever present. My bed sheets were messy and my clothes were thrown to the ground. I was also sore but that was normal for sex.

Thats what happened, Mark and I hooked up. Damn you 50 shades of grey! I got out of bed and gathered my clothes from yesterday throwing them into the laundry basket and grabed fresh set from my closet and headed into the bathroom.

I didn't feel gross, but i needed a shower just to start the day off and it was probably good idea to wash of any smell i picked up last night (trust me you will smell like whoever you hooked up with always shower after).

I steped out of the bathroom hair damp and cold i put on a black and purple flannel and some ripped shorts and wandered into the living room to see if anything was destroyed, but instead i saw Mark and Jack working together making breakfast. Mark was on bacon and it smelled like Jack had been making hash browns.

"Hey guys need help"
"No were ok in here sweetheart" said Mark.
"Freakin stop calling me sweetheart or I'll steal your flannel"
"Ha, bet you wont." he replied
"Oi shut the fock, up its only breakfast and your alredy fighting. You do realize we have a whole panel to be at each others throats, right."
"Good morning to you to Jack, have you been up long" i said sweatly
"14 hours! i didnt actually sleep at all." He didn't hear what happened last night did he?
"Im jokeing, i woke up around 8"
"Ok that would be conserning if you didn't sleep, especially because pax is today" i said as i reached to grab 3 plates from a cabinet.

Breakfast was fine, the bacon was crispy and the hash browns were tasty. Jack, Mark, and I caught up with each other. It was nice not having cameras in our face to talk with each other.

"So Jack you slept on the couch all night, were you cold at all" i asked
"No i was fine, at some point during the night Mark put a blanket over me."
"HaHa Septiplier Away"
"Wait Mark, where did you sleep last night?" Jack asked
"(Y/n) has 2 couches i slept there"

[Lies, your hot body slept next to mine markimoo.]

</ timeskip to pax panel \>

I sat on a panel with Wade, Bob, Mark and Jack. We were playing truth or dare but the audience would send in the truth or dares. Wade asked me truth or dare.
"Why am i playing this game. Dare"
"Alright @butts69 dares you to make out with Jack."
After which the audience exploded into screaming.
"Jack do you want to fuil the ship?"
"Your the one that fockin picked dare"
"Can i chicken out, is that a thing i can do?"
"No (y/n) you picked dare now kiss him"
"shut up Bob"
I bucked up the courge and leaned in to kiss Jack, i aimed for his cheek but he must have turned his head because both our lips touched, But what got me worked up was that he kissed back and i enjoyed it. The audience and especially the shipers were overwelmed with happiness with the acts unfolding before them. The next thing i heard thought was marks voise saying we were out of time.
I pulled away from Jack, a little saddened by the loss of his lips against mine but i was glad this happened, i hope Jack did too.


Later we met up with Felix and he invited the five of us to come hang out at a club, but i kindly declined the invitation.

Felix and Wade made fun of me for not wanting to get drunk but then i heard Jack say "Oi if (y/n) doesn't want to go, i dont either." "Oh well you snoze you lose" said bob. "Well Mark, what about you?" I said "No offense  (y/n) but id like to hang out with Felix and the others." Said Mark meekly. "Dont worry mark its fine, just dont drink to much, Jack and i will just go home and you can take a uber later." "Well, glad it worked out then."

Jack and i made our way back to my car, the way back we talked about undertale and other games we liked.

*timeskip because i dont know how to make time move faster*

It was almost dinner buy the time we got home. I unlocked the door and headed directly into the kitchen only to see it was still a mess from breakfast

"SEÁN!" I yelled.
"Ok we just got back what could i have possibly done." He called back.
"Nothing the kitchen is just a mess do you just want to get take out with me."
"Oh- im sorry mark and i should have been more curtious to your house"
"Its ok sean let's just go to jack n' the box or something."
"I dont think i've eaten at a Jack in the box before, why do you Americans have weird restraunt names."
"I dont know its America, we can do whatever the fuck we want sometimes."

*timeskip after food cuz time dosent pass fast enough*

After Seán and i got food and cleaned my kitchen, we sat down and played some Gang Beats, the most frustrating game i own.

"seán why." with those last words jack threw me off the platform killing me.

*ring ring* it was my phone, i ran to the kitchen. It was Mark.

Y: hey markimark.
M: hey (y/n) so im not drunk but felix definitely is.
Y: K so...
M: so im gonna just watch over him for the night.
Y: alright and your not hella drunk either?
M: no im absolutely fine.
Y: alright just take care if felix and well see you tomorrow.
M: see you tomorrow.
Y: bubye.

I hung up and walked back into the living room, seán looked like he had be thinking about something really hard.

"Hey Seán are you alright?"
"Oh (y/n) i dont want to make anything awkward but i really liked kissing you earlier-"
"Oh god your making it awkward."
"I turned my head to face you, you know ask if you were ok with that instead i felt your soft lips against mine and-"

i placed a finger against his lips, he was just babbling on and on, that was the only way i thought he would stop.

"Seán shush. What are you saying here, dont make it anymore awkward."
"I just really like you, do you think we could do that again."

I felt like this was a life is strange choice but i went with what my gut told me. I kissed him, and seán kissed back...

<And one thing led to another like it did with mark use your god damn imagination im done with this chapter.>

lovechild of youtube (Mark x Reader x Jack)Where stories live. Discover now