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"What the hell is this noise...oh...its my alarm clock. Good job dumbass"

I sat up in bed and reached over to turn my alarm off, i couldent remeber the reason why i set it, was it set yesterday?

I sat there trying to regain my vision from my forced awakening, when it did i could see my clothes littering the floor and to my side was a sleeping Seán. He was absolutely adorable.

"God Damnit Me, what the hell is wrong with you. What wil- wait wheres mark"

I grabed my phone, i felt like it had the answer in it, after a little scrolling i found mark and my last conversation.

Y: alright and your not hella drunk either?
M: no im absolutely fine.
Y: alright just take care if felix and well see you tomorrow.
M: see you tomorrow.
Y: bubye.

It also seems that he tried to contact me earlier

M: hey are you awake yet? Just wondering cuz your alarm went off around this time yesterday.
M: How could you sleep through that? How dare you force me to get up for you.
M: please answer soon.
Y: Im awake.
Y: and my evil plan of geting people to wake up for me worked haha 😆
Y: anyway what up?
M: are we meeting up at pax or at your place.
Y: man idfk, lets meet at pax, i dont care.
M: oh hey, and good luck at your solo panel.
M: did you forget?

I would have completely forgotten i have a solo panel today. I got out of bed, not really caring that i was buck naked and locked myself in the bathroom. I turned the on shower and while waiting for the water to heat up i aranged any makeup id need afterwards.

*knock knock*

I heard a gentle knock on the door, my paniced shenanigans must have woken Seán.

"Yea Seán?"
"Are you alright (y/n)"
"Im fine i just forgot i have my first solo panel...please kill me."
"No thats bad, i promise it wont be that bad, sure you'll be crazy nervous buy its not that bad.
"Thanks for the confidence boost Seán"
I heard seán walk away from the door where he went i dont know, or care, there was a lot on my mind. I looked back at my almost foged mirror, and i noticed on my neck there was like three hickies, i didn't know if they were new or old. I didnt care right now and made a mental note to put on a scarf later, i needed a shower now. As i hoped in the shower i realised i didnt bring a change of clothes, hopefully seán went into the livingroom instead of hang around my room.

</timeskip because what the hell do you do in the shower\>

I steped out of the shower and wraped myself in a fluffy towel. The bathroom was so steamy, warm, and quite, i didnt want to leave this little piece of serenity but i needed clothes. i opened the door to the rest of my house and immediately the cold air started to poar into the bathroom, I had just taken one step outside the door, when my foot happened to trip over a small stack of clothes.
"thank you Seán!" I called to tbe rest of apartment. "Your welcome lass!" Came a reply from the kitchen along with the clanging of pans. "Dont break my shit" i yelled closing the bathroom door.
The outfit was simple a pair of american eagle jeans and a grey shirt and black vest i just need a scarf or jacket to hide the hickies.

</timeskip to solo pannel because i cant keep typing i need to go to work\>

Its my first solo panel. IM SO VERY NERVOUS. It was going to be a basic hour long Q/A, dosent seem to hard right. It was a small pannel, compared to mark and jacks panel it was just about 400 people, much less form my live streams but way than im ever comfortable being around, But still i mustered up whatever courage i could find and walked onto the stage.
Nervouslt I steped out from the left hand side of the stage, and was immediately greated with shouts from many, hopefully not crazy fans.

"Hey guys how is life" *screams* i looked down to mark and jack my faical expresion just asking "all i have to do is talk, right mark, jack, help me." chears of encouragement came from the audience.
"Wow this is actually more people than i thought would show up, how bout that starbucks, and pike place market, ya i have no idea where im going with this."
From the peanut gallery i heard mark yell "JUST EXPLAIN HOW YOU WANT THE PANEL TO GO."

"Marks right, i'll do that." I took a moment to collect my thoughts.  "Allright so i planed to do a Q/A, so if you look down there" i pointed to a tech guy holding a microphone. "Thats gary if you could just line up behin- DONT thats a lot of people." Atleast 50-70 people ran to form the line, it filled me with anxiety because i knew some wouldent get their to ask me anything.

<this text = you this text = person>

"Alright i guess you get to start of the questions." It was a girl wearing a tiny box tim shirt. "HI" she said a little to loudly. "I have a question for science, does pinapple go on pizza?" "Alright people buckle up, its story time"

During the hour of questions, i was asked about many things including music, when or how i started gameing, meme related questions. It was really fun untill the hour started coming to a close and i had to apologize to all the people whos questions i couldent answer. So many people had thanked me for saving their lives and how they couldnt even contomplate how they must feel being able to speak with me while in the back of my mind i just thought, but i do understand, because jack and mark saved me.

lovechild of youtube (Mark x Reader x Jack)Where stories live. Discover now