i didnt expect this

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(Jacks p.o.v.) (he got drums <3 ) (just imagine this video as a part of the story if you want.)

I had just finished my first druming video, i didn't even get the chance to send the video to robin because youtube lit up saying y/t/n posted a video. y/n had basically just taken off and didn't say why, the thumbnail looked like a vlog. I wonder what changed? What made her come back? I eagerly began to watch the video.

"Blah words blah. words blah... Im pregnant. ... blah blah blah."

"The whole video except those two words, was a blur to me, I figured she would tell us why she was gone for so long but I didnt expect this at all. This was horrible, I did that to her, Im the reason she had to run away from her home in Seattle. I felt awful."

"...This baby can belong to either one of two guys..."

"Wait what?" Who else did she hook up with when. This kind of irritates me. I got my phone and started texting y/n, i needed some awnsers.

J: hey is that true?
Y: i guess you've seen my video, yes Seán, its true.
J: and thats why you've been gone for so long.
J: im a little iritated with you, why didn't you say something sooner.
Y: in my defense, i didnt know for about a month and a half.

Y/N said she was at marks in her video, she probably said why, but instead of rewatching the video i just asked her.

J:I forget im sorry, but why again arnt you in Washington?
Y: because my dad came up for a unexpected visit, and he saw i was prego, asked who the dad was, and because even I didn't know, he scheduled me an abortion.
J: that's a dick move, your 26, you have damn well control over your life by now.
Y: try telling him that.

I understood where she was comeing from now, her intire life, she spent running away, from an ever constant problem, so she did what any mother would do trying to keep her child safe.

J: I'm not mad with you, and you have my support on your decision.
Y: thanks Seán, and again I'm really sorry i never brought it up, im sorry.
J: dont apologize its also partially/probably my fault too.
Y: ya thanks you jerk!!!
J: hey its late for you, eat dinner and get to bed damnit.
Y: ok fine. Good bye Seán.

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