not you

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Im sorry guys i disappeared for a while heres a new update. <3

I needed to pick myself back up and face the facts of life right now, like for instance... Yes, you fucked up, and now you are pregnant.  I need to tell my fans, mark, and jack, that I'm ok and will be going back to making videos, but I feel like I also have to let it be known that I'm,...well. You know.

I went into the bathroom looking for my old tests, I was planing on showing them in my video, kinda as proof that I'm not a lying troll, I still can't believe that this even hapened.
I sat down at my computer monaters, opened an editing program, and turned on my camera.

Hey guys itz me, and i have some news for you guys. As you can probably tell, Im not as happy as I usally am in my videos, and thats a corect thing to think in a way, but im not flat out depressed either. recently I've learned that I am actually...*I took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly* I am pregnant. I picked up the 2 tests with their obvious pink lines showing. Now this has been going on for almost 2 months now and this wasent planed, and i also dont exactly know *knock knock knock*

Someone was at the door. I paused my recording and went to anwser the door, i was a little chilly so i sliped on a sweatshirt beforehand. Opening my door was the worst mistake I could have done because there was an well dressed older gentalman behind the door.

The older gentalman was my father all grey haired and sophisticated, and here I am, youthful and filled with spunk, everythig that is the exact opposite of him

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The older gentalman was my father all grey haired and sophisticated, and here I am, youthful and filled with spunk, everythig that is the exact opposite of him.

"Why are you here, your violating your restraning order."
"You and i both know that peice of paper expiered a year ago. Anyway, I can't just come visit my only daughter?"
"You know very well YOUR lawyers made it so that I coldent put anymore orders on you. And you only visit me when you need something, what is it this time?"
"This is more of a matter to speak of in private, now let me inside."
"No dad, do you know why I do-"

Before i was able to finish my sentence my dad had managed to muscle himself into my apartment and begin looking around at all my stuff.

"Dad get out of my home!"
"I don't understand how this is more of a home that your townhouse back in Texas, this is so small."
"Ya, i like it this way. The rich life was never for me."
"Come now, you dont mean that. In fact let me even propose something to you."

I didnt like this, anything my dad had planed for me, was almost always to benefit him or the company. I was scared, but I had to be strong, then I could tell him to screw off and get out of my life.

"What is it you need me to do."
" do you remeber Vondue Clark's son? Jeremy. Well hes looking for-" I did remeber his partners son, and I alredy knew what he was asking.
"No dad, No."
"Dont lie, yes you do and you will merry him,  this will help the company so much and posibly even double our profits."
"Dad im in no shape to get married right now."
"Well you better get used to the idea of it, because its hapening in three months."
"Dad in three months I'll be almost 5 months pregnant!"

I got so angry with him that I didnt watch my words. I screwed up big time.

"Is that why your wearing a sweatshirt, when were you planing on telling me this?"
I didnt say anything, and i couldent walk away I was just stuck.
"Well can I atleast meet my future son-in-law?"
"Do you want to be even more disappointed in me? Alright heres the thing about that, the baby's dad either lives in L.A. or in Ireland."
"So you dont know."
"I don't know."

My dad just glared at me, he was angry, obviously. I watched as he pulled out his phone and diled a number.

"Yes Sharon, I need you to make an apointment for my daughter...yes at that hospital...yes with that doctor...yes...yes...thank you."
"Dad what did you do?"
"Dont worry about it, i may not care for your follish life decisions, but I will not have you married out of wedlock."
"On thursday i will have my driver personally drop you off at the hospital, you will keep your apointment, and leave without that parcel you carry."
"Dad im 26 i should have the choice if i want to keep my child, which i do."
"Well i dont want you to make anymore rash desisons. On thursday i will return."

And with that said, he left me alone in my apartment and I just stood with the realisation that thursday was tomarrow. I needed to get away, right now. I placed a hand on my stomach and wispered "i wont let anyone, not even him, take you from me."

lovechild of youtube (Mark x Reader x Jack)Where stories live. Discover now