last day together 1

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On sunday Mark, Jack, and I stood at tables while fans eagerly waited to meet us, we signed autographs, took pictures, and huged many people. I was given gifts and much encouragement to continue what I was doing. It always gives me such a great feeling, knowing what I do actually helpes people.

When the convention came to a close, Jack, Mark, and I returned to my apartmant. Mark vloged during the week, where as Jack and I prerecorded videos, I didnt pre record enough so I asked mark and Jack if they wanted to do a rare colab-video. (rare because Jack is actually here.)

"That sounds like a great idea (Y/N)." Jack replied enthusiastically.
"Well it dosent sound uncool." said Mark
"Mark... I cant tell if your being sarcastic or not."

<skip to video intro>

HEY GUYS, itz (youtube name) and I have Markiplier...
M: Hello Everybody
And Jacksepticbean
J: why did he get a real introduction
Because fuck you, thats why.
Now for those of you who dont know-
J: Ya (Y/N) whats the smoothies challenge
M: Ya tell us the stupid smoothie challenge
Anyway, before I was RUDELY INTERRUPTED, if you dont know what the smoothie challenge is, well we do it wrong in a sence. The typical way, you pick ingredents out of a hat, our version which is a hundred times better, were just gonna wing it. And this stuff will either be amazing, honeybuns, or disgusting.
J: ok you can use as many ingredents as you want?
And well just make smothies for eachother.
J: ok well draw straws for the order
M: but what if you get your own
J: whats you mean
M:what if your left with your own straw.
J: what your saying is not makes scens
*jack magicaly pulls out a pair of scissors*
*jack cuts the straws in 3 lengths*
J:Short for (Y/N), medium for mark, and the long straw for the sexiest youtuber in the room-
M: for the markiplier
J: for me

J: "Alrights pick a straw." He said handimg the straws to me.
"Pick a straw Mark!"
M: "no you pick one!"
I pulled out Jack's straw
J: "damn you got me, Mark pick a straw."

Mark pulled out the straw designated for him and he and Jack got into a argument of how this wasent working, I got bored of this argument so I ended it myself
"Mark make my smoothie, Jack make Mark's"

Jack went first into my kitchen, we could here him apologizeing for everything he was doing, Mark wisper to me

M: "Psst"
"What Mark?"
M: "You edit your videos right?"
"Ya, why?"
M: "Good"
Mark leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips, which proceded to turn into a makeout session which we only stoped when we heard the blender start up and Jack gagging, Jack walked back into my living room with a evil smile on his face.

"Hey Mark heres your drink." He handed him Mark's smoothie
It was brown and thick, how could that even a smoothie?
M:"Im not stupid, I dont want that in my body" he said.
"Mark heres the trashcan" I pushed the bin towards him. Mark reluctantly took a sip, almost to instantly spit it out and list off what he thought was in the drink. When he was done freaking out Mark got up to make my drink

M: "Have fun (Y/N)"
I put on a scared face jokingly I said "goodnight moon" then looked at the camera and "send help"

From the kitchen, Jack and I could hear, Mark eviliy chuckling, as we waited for him to construct my smoothie.
J:"Im sorry"
"For what Jack"
J:"For those" as he poked the dark marks under my scarf.
"Da fuck man, dont point them out now I have extra stuff to edit out"
J: "C'mon I know you liked them, you couldn't stop moaning my name when I gave them to you" he said that in his sexy deep voice.
J: "Its fun to tease you" he kissed my check.

Mark came out with my smoothie it was a dark mahogany color
"Oh god mark, I'm spooked"
"I started being mean and put a lot of stuff in here then I felt bad and tried to make it better."
"This dosent help, me why is it red?"
"I dont know, just drink it"
"Alright, at least we have bendy straws" i said happily and took a sip of the smoothie it had a horrible taste but it actually wasent so bad.

"It not as bad as I thought it would be"
"What?" They both said together
"Trust me it tastes like shit, but its not shit" then i made the mistake of taking another sip this time though i gagged.
"That was a mistake" I reached for the trashcan and spit out the contents of my mouth.
"So (y/n) what do you think went wrong." Said Mark.
"I trusted the drink, more than I should have."

lovechild of youtube (Mark x Reader x Jack)Where stories live. Discover now