I'm Gonna Get You Out Of This

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- To save me?

- You were possessed.

- And you thought that the best thing to do was make a deal? - He yells.

- You had an archangel inside of you. - You yell to him - I was lost!

- And you run to him! To make a fricking deal!

- I didn't knew what to do!

- And you make a friking deal! Do you know how screwed you are?

- I did it because of you! And I'd do it again! Because I needed you back!

- At what prize?

- Dean listen to me! Your soul and your body were burning and I felt that. I couldn't let you die Dean! I couldn't!

- What's the deal?

- Dean...

- What's the Deal?

- One of the things is getting Sam to say yes.

- What? Are you insane? How could you do something like this?

- Stop yelling please!

- You said one of the things, what are the others?

- I don't know.

- Tell me! - He yells

- I don't know, he just said one more

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- I don't know, he just said one more.

- What?

- He wants me to fight side by side with him.

- What?

- In the big fight against Michael. I think I'm his back up plan.

- I can believe in this! - Dean turns his back on you and kicks a chair - How am I suppose to take you out of this deal now?

- It's not your job to do that.

- What?

- I made the deal. I'm the only one who can take myself out. You don't have to worry. This is my fight not yours.

- I thought that we had a link.

- We have but I will find a way to minimize it so nothing will happen to you.

- Stop! (Your Name) stop worry about me! Worry about you! Worry about the fricking deal you made!

- I guess I learn that with you.

- What?

- Worry more about the others that with yourself.

- What are you saying?

- Look Dean I've been thinking and I know I'm not gonna get out of this alive.

- What?

- It's true. The big fight is gonna happen and I will be right in the middle so I know I'm not gonna get out of this alive.

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