Meeting Hannah

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 - I will help you. - Adam answers your question.

 - Really?

 - I will. Let's do it.

 You spend hours working on the spell. Dean had found you little later and you told him you were doing it for protection but you didn't say a word about the witches thing. At the end of the day, after you finished the spell and you check out on Adam you and Dean go to your bedroom and there you explain to him what Rowena had told you and he got really mad about it.

 Three months had pass. You never heard from the witches again. The brothers left the bunker a few times to go hunt the demons of the list that Crowley gave you and they were almost done with it. Adam was now a official hunter like his brothers.

 In the bunker James was growing so much and he didn't seem the same kid that was born prematurely and had that breathing problem. He and Mary had the most special connection and so Dean and Adam took James's crib to Mary's nursery so they could be together always. Rowena left the coven and never came back. She was determined to help you, after all she felt that you were her kid. Talking about her kids, her and Crowley start talking again, by the phone, and were trying to solve things between them. Crowley even had his own room in the bunker now. Dean, despite still be suspicious agreed with it because you asked him to. As to Sam, he and Hannah had met a few times and they were ready to take the next step and assume a relationship. But they will need your help, they will need you to hold Dean cause he will freak out when he knows that you kept that secret for so long.

 Today was the day. Dean would finally found out about Sam and Hannah's relationship. You convince Dean to go have lunch with you outside of the bunker, on a diner close to it. You left the kids with Adam, and go to the diner with Dean. Getting there you sit down next to him and order two burgers and two beers.

 - Why did we came here anyways? - He asks - My burgers are way better that the ones here.

 - Oh come on Dean, we need some fresh air. I've been locked away in the bunker for the last three months and you've been away on hunting demons and when you are home we just take care of the kids.

 - That can nicely take care of themselves, just saying.

 - Yeah. - You both laugh - We have two very special kids.

 - Yeah, thanks to you.

 - Great Witch, Great kids. - You both laugh again.

 Sam finally comes through the door and approaches you two.

 - Sam? - Dean asks - What are you doing here? I thought you said you were going to be in the bunker.

 - Dean we need to talk. - Sam finally says.

 - I don't like that tone of voice Sam. - Dean says.

 - Sammy. Do you want me to leave you two alone? - You ask.

 - You know I need you. - He answers.

 - What is happening here? - Dean says - I don't like this. You need her? What? How?

 - Dean I... I'm in love. - Sam says.

 - You're what?

 - You're what?

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