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Three days, that's how long I've been on this ship. The Lifeboat although it's more like an Ark. On day two I discovered that we're not alone on this ship, there are monsters. Kept in the bowels of the ship. Zenith believes they have as much right to exist as us. I guess I never really thought about it like that, but one of the guys; Eren I think his name is tried to kill a pair of humanoid looking giants. But there is a stasis field protecting the monsters. Forcing them to sleep and now that Eren kid is also asleep. His friends begged for his awakening but Zenith thinks he'll endanger the Lifeboat so he's still in stasis. There's nothing we can do about it. There is day and night cycles on the ship in 24 hour intervals. So there isn't much change there, it's kind of refreshing in fact. Some people are still in mourning while others have taken Zenith's words a bit too close to the heart. Those of us have begun an endless quest to get laid, me I'm just happy to be alive. Same can't be said for the rest of my dimension. We never even got anywhere except the moon, and now I'm on a massive spaceship who knows where. I'm lying on my bed, in a room with loads of other beds. Zenith's species don't seem to understand privacy or at least didn't. The locust like creatures are called the Rachne, quite common in each universe I've been told. Apparently they originated on Mars. We were so close, yet so far. Those of us who are on the ship, raft, lifeboat whatever you call it have formed groups so is the way of the human race. From what I can gather they have grouped themselves depending on their universe of origin. There is the Gremory group I think it's called run by a demon, she managed to get some normal clothes through a favour from the demon known as Karl Inquisitor, who I saw on day one. From what I can gather he mostly sticks to himself and is obsessed with technology. The son of Satan, Lucifer, the Devil whatever name he goes by. This Rias Gremory, claims she is the sister of the devil I think. But I heard that where we are there is no Devil, no Gods and no life. Sounds kind of like when mother used to take me shopping. She also has two girls and a guy in her group some dude named Issei massive pervert, the girls are Xenovia and Akeno. Apparently not all of them made it here. At least they have people. I only have myself...

I'm losing myself, there's also the group that claim they're from some world called Remnant. apparently they did have men in their world, but only women showed up. I guess Zenith isn't a very good abductor. The remnant group have spend the past few days deciding on a word made of all their initials, like what the fuck. From what I've overheard there's Yang, Blake, Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha and Coco. The weirdest part is how all of their names sound like colours. Wonder who's idea that was.

Then there is the group who arrived with Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Annie, Sasha and Zoe. But I can't tell what gender she is and that makes me want to stay away from her. Oh and there's the group who won't stop about that fucking video game. Sword art online I think it's called, brought quite a few of them Zenith did, Kazuto who they all call Kirito. Don't know why they just do. Asuna, Suguha who is Kazuto's sister. Zenith probably needs help with that teleporter or whatever it is. Asada, who they call Sinon, Rika who they call Lisbeth and Keiko who they call Silica, I don't know why they call each other these names but thanks to Zenith's translator they don't say chan or san at the end of every name. Also they don't speak Japanese, I feel like that point should've been more important.

There's the two who are part of some team called Gurren Lagann, which seems like a made up name, Simon and Yoko. It's weird because Yoko seems quite a lot older than Simon who doesn't seem old enough to physically reproduce. It really makes me wonder who picks these people out. So far I'm the only normal one here. I hope the next group has some more relatable people. Oh and there's the two who go on about power suits and scissors half the time. Ryuko and Spencer (the_blood_wraith) From what I've gathered they had never met then bang dimensional collapse then they're best friends.

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