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-??? POV-

"Bring in Subject codename Seed. We're commencing operation Eternity." My heart pounds in excitement, I honestly can't wait to finally finish what we started. "Everyone else has been put into action along with you Jack Silk. Don't fail me." Reloading my rifle I grin widely, soon all will be amended and Zenith will prevail. With us by his side he is unstoppable. I chuckle, I know my siblings will not fail so neither can I. Turning off my earpiece I head off.

-Y/N's POV-

Strange how Zenith hasn't asked me to come and speak with him for a while he usually doesn't let me go a week without him, but it's been an entire month since he even stepped foot aboard the Lifeboat. Mikasa has been overly attached recently and I can barely go to the toilet without her pursuing me, aside from that it's been uneventful aside from all of Zenith's companions leaving the ship. Jack, Karl and Samantha who knows where they've gone.

"Y/N!" Rei shouts running over to me a grin plastered on her face. Breasts bouncing with every step, really need to talk to Zenith about the underwear problem.

"Sup Rei. Everything okay?" I ask as she embraces me. Her large chest pressing against me.

"Yeah, I'm just happy to see you. It seems like it's been too long."

"It's been two days."

"Yeah but we're on the same ship." She pouts timidly.

An explosion rings from across the ship igniting the main room in an orange glow. "What the Hell?" Mikasa emerges from the shadows staring at the plume of black smoke heading to the ceiling. "You two stay here. I'll investigate." Running over a black shape emerges from the shadows eye less and its body shifting it stalks towards me.

"Bugger off!" Jack leaps off a nearby building firing sniper rounds at the black shape, its form retracting and rebuilding with each shot. "Fucker." He grabs my arm and throws me back still firing at the shape, that's quickly approaching.

It grabs Jack causing him to drop his rifle. "I'll make this quick." The creature growls.

"Do you really think Zenith keeps ordinary company?" He punches through the beasts head, it drips to the floor in agony. "Huh, I didn't believe in this core. The Ethereal core, so that's what we've been missing all these years." The smoke dissipates and Jack walks towards me pulling me along roughly.

"What are you doing?" I protest.

"Getting you out of here." He says simply kicking me forward into a teleporter.

"You're not taking Y/N!" Mikasa screams running towards the now glowing platform.

"Don't you dare come any further!" Jack aims his rifle at Mikasa and she pauses. "Goodbye" he salutes and the ship vanishes as we teleport...

Author's Notes- Something big is coming and only I know what it is Zenith Out...

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