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"May Y/N and the team led by Akame please report to Zenith Krakveek at the beacon. This is a matter of utmost importance." I groan as I throw off my sheets, I don't think there is anything worse to wake up to. No wait, Rias trying to kill me definitely wins. What could he need us for so badly? Rei is still asleep beside me, lying on her front her back slowly rising and falling. I throw on my clothes and leave the grey room and sleeping Rei, she could probably use the rest.

When I arrive at the beacon the group led by Akame is already there and waiting inside the room Karl always resides in. "I am so sorry." Samantha speaks her short black hair bobs as she approaches us. She walks into Zenith's area leaving us to ponder on what she said. "Who is she?" The pink haired girl who I've come to know as Mine asks.

"Oh, her. She's Samantha Arachnid the interdimensional assassin known as the Spider." Karl sits in his casual position on the sofa his eyes enchanted by the dancing colours on the screen. "And I'm Karl Inquisitor son of Lucifer/Satan/The Devil people call my father many things. I can also read your mind." Mine looks slightly taken aback by the Demon resting on the sofa. When I first met Karl I do have to admit I was also wondering why Zenith has Lucifer's son working for him, but then again he is an Interdimensional nine foot tall cockroach so I thought it best not to question. My life has gotten so strange since Zenith saved me and the first group and now he only wants to speak with us five. But for what reason. From what I had gathered none of us are very different from the others. Me, Akame, Tatsumi, Mine and Leone, they seemed like the other weirdos and I'm me. "You may enter." Karl tells us, one day I will have to ask him how him and Zenith communicate like that.

Inside the room we are not greeted with the familiar blue screens and security footage. But instead an array of weapons sits behind Zenith, by the looks on the other's faces they're their weapons. "I'm am very sorry." Zenith starts off more morose then usual, "I didn't know, we were wrong. All our predictions said yesterday but it wasn't it will be over tomorrow." Now we are all confused, is he talking to someone else? "Akame." He catches her attention "Your world isn't dead." She looks shocked with the rest of her friends. "But it is dying, I have called you to make a decision. Either we sit here safe and sound or we make Planetfall and save as many others as we can. The teleporter won't work as the invasion has already begun. But I also must tell you, there is someone there who will be a great help in the days to come. But I am leaving the decision to you five..." And I thought they looked shocked before, grief, fear and happiness washed over each of them while I just stand and think. "We will do it." I tell him, knowing the risk I am putting us in, but the people we could save. "Very well, I trust you know which weapons are yours so please take them. Y/N I give you this." He hands me a rifle. "A disintegration rifle will kill most things in one shot. Sort of like your blade Akame except much less supernatural. If you are hit my this your molecules will disperse. So only aim to kill wounding will not work with this gun." He picks up a chest and places it down, inside are a bunch of clothes, probably belonging to the group. "Y/N I have this for you." He holds up a set of combat armour and throws it to me. "let's get ready. This will be tough for all of us."

"Will you be accompanying us?" Tatsumi asks.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world." Zenith's mouth moves into what may be a grin of some sort and he leaves the room. We get ready.

Zenith stands with all five of us on a circular platform. He has no weapons on him, Akame holds a katana and wears mostly red and back. A colour scheme Zenith seems to approve of. Tatsumi wears a light brown jumper and a white shirt very peculiar for combat gear, his sword is flat and double edged. Mine is in a pink dress, with a large gun, I've heard she is a most ferocious sniper. Leone wears, I am unsure of how to describe it, I will just go with a revealing outfit. I do not see a weapon on her but she does wear a strange belt. Clutching my gun close to my body I shiver with fear and anticipation. "Are we ready team Bravo-Pink?" Zenith asks, why he insisted on calling us that I will never know, regardless we each nod. He nods at a Rachne beside a control panel and everything goes dark.

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