Down To Business

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My limbs are stiff as I stir from my slumber, my eyelids twitch open to the sight of Mikasa sleeping beside me. "Shit what the fuck happened?", I quickly remember the series of events from last night. "Fuck." I state aloud when I realise I'm now the Alpha. How did this happen? I'm not even in the best physical state. Before this I just lay in bed watching anime all day. I need to clear my mind, and ask someone what I'm supposed to be doing. probably Zenith, however I think if he knew he would've said it by now. Sitting up I slide into my tracksuit, I need to remember to ask Zenith about the underwear problem. I sit silently on the side of the bed, thinking about what I need to do. As an Alpha I guess I'm meant to help solve problems or lead the people, maybe both. Perhaps Mikasa knows what an Alpha does. After all she came from a much more primitive world. Probably not the best pick up line in the world.

A hand appears on my shoulder and I silently shit myself, last night was easy because I didn't have to speak. Now it's going to be slightly harder. Mikasa wraps her soft pale arms around my neck and presses her breasts against my back, I always expected a nosebleed at times like this but I guess the anime lied to me. Or Japanese people have easily ruptured capillaries. How can I remember that but not what an Alpha is? "Good morning" Mikasa whispers in my ear biting the lobe at the end, lingering a second before moving her hand lower towards my crotch. "How about we continue from last night?" She purrs in my ear.

"May the team leaders please report to Zenith Krakveek. As soon as possible." The familiar voice speaks over the intercom and Mikasa sighs, "Maybe later then." She gets up and struts over to my draws and takes out a tracksuit and slowly, emphasis on slowly. Puts it on. "Haven't even had breakfast and he's already calling us." My stomach growls in agreement. I close the door behind us and we make our way to the beacon.

At the beacon we are greeted by Karl Inquisitor as per usual "So I hear someone actually had sex last night. Lucky them. I'm not saying names though." He speaks in his perverted manner without looking away from the screen in front of him. "Samantha! I thought you were going to bring me something." I am confused, the one who I have learnt to call Samantha is not currently present. And there she is walking through the door. "That's right kid. We still get our abilities" He winks at me. "When do we get ours back?" Rias asks the demon.

"I've already done you a favour getting you new clothes. I think that's all you deserve. Plus I don't control when you get them back. Zenith does. Along with your weapons." Karl smiles in a vicious way in a superior way. "How dare you speak to me like that lowly demon. I am a Devil." Rias just couldn't shut her mouth could she. Karl stands up and walks over to her, he is quite tall so has to look down upon her. "How dare I? You're the one who has no abilities, right now you're just as useless as Y/N. Except I kinda like the kid. You just piss me off, you're not worth the title Devil or even Demon." He growls at her, her face doesn't change and she slaps him across the cheek. "Y/N! Can you remind miss Gremory how we deal with threats aboard this flight?" His smile is a full scale grin, his toothy maw spread thinly.

"Stasis chamber." Is all I say, Mikasa looks slightly disheartened.

"No Y/N that's what we do to pests. Threats go out the air lock. I'll even let you pick which one. Or I could send you to hell in this soft human body of yours and see how long you last." He's only a few inches from Rias' face and she seems slightly fearful. "But I don't believe her to be a threat." I try to swing the conversation in my advantage, using my role as Alpha to see if I can change his mind. "Very well. But if she touches me again. No if she touches any of us empowered again, Zenith's belief in you will not stretch and I'll throw both of you out the airlock. But I like you, so I will trust in your decision." He sits back down and continues playing, my chest rises and falls rapidly, did I just confront a demon. What am I suicidal? "You can go through by the way." His expression is bland yet terrifying.

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