Episode 6

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I heard a nurse yell for help and I rushed to where she was. Ayy'Verynn was on the ground unconsious.

"What happened?" I asked rushing over.

"She was telling me what surgeons to page for Bae'Ler and then she said get Dr. Bailey or Webber for her. She fell on the steps of the bus and thinks she ruptured her spleen." The nurse said.

"Okay page Bailey and Call Arizona and tell her get on the next flight out." I said.

I lifted Ayy'Verynn and set her on a gurney. I wheeled her down to the OR. When I got there Meredith was in the scrub room.

"You are suppose to be with Bae'Ler." I said.

"Bailey has her, me and Richard are going in on Ayy'Verynn." She said.

"Please if she were awake she would say save the baby not her. I am telling you save her." I said.

"I will now go and see about Bae'Ler." She said.

I rushed to the observation deck and seen they were just starting to open Bae'Ler up. I saw Bailey look up and she looked back down and said something to Jo. It didnt take long for Jo to be sitting next to me.

"Why did she have to be so stubborn." I asked.

"Because she is Ayy'Verynn." I heard from the doorway.

"Dr. Webber." I said.

"Wilson, go back down I got him." He said.

"Everything was fine this morning." I said.

"Now everything is falling apart." He said.

"Now I could lose 3 people. The people I wake up for every day. Why does she do this?" I asked.

"I'm going to tell you something and you are going to try and understand it in her point of veiw." He said.

"Alright." I said.

"Ayy'Verynn grew up an orphan you could say. She was always sheltered from the truth. Her dad wasnt a great man. He drank every day of his life. He died because of liver failure. Her mom was an addict who tried to sell her many times to feed her addiction. What was the story she told you?" He asked.

"Her mom was killed in a car crash when she was a baby and her dad died of cancer when she was in med school." I said.

"Thats the story that she was told by Derek's mom. She knew that the truth would kill her and that she wouldnt push her self to become what she is today. Now that she knows the truth she tries to be invesible which she simply isnt. When Derek got killed it numbed her more than Meredith. She feels nothing and the things she is doing she isnt thinking of the consequenses that come along with it. She distracts herself with work because if she sits and has time to think about stuff other than how to preform surgery. Reality will hit her like a truck." He said.

"So she does things like this to not be faced with the truth?" I asked.

"Yes, one day it will all come back to haunt her. She will regret doing and not doing things." He said.

"Jackson." I heard from the door.

"What happened?" I asked getting up.

"I need you to come with me." Stephanie said.

I ran to the next OR with her and saw they were unplugging machines from the baby. Arizona looked up at me and shook her head. I looked at the monitor on Ayy'Verynn and she was in cardiac arrest.

"No, no, no!" I yelled.

I watched as they shocked her and nothing happened. I watched as they tried again and a normal rythm came back.

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