Episode 8

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Its been a few days since Bae'Ler died and Ayy'Verynn went intoa depression. We go in her hospital room to talk to her and she just stairs at the wall. She doesnt say a word to anyone.

"Daddy can we see mommy?" Kali' asked for the millionth time.

"Uh maybe tomorrow baby. Now go on to school and have fun." I said.

"Okay daddy." She said going to catch the bus.

I drove to work and dropped Ben off at the daycare. I walked to Ayy'Verynn's room and she looked better.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi." She said finally speaking.

"Are you ready to talk about this?" I asked.

"Uh yeah i guess." She said.

"Okay i will get the psychiatrist." I said.

"Uh okay." She said.

I walked out and paged them. I walked to the nurses station and started to look at her chart. I saw something unusual in her labs. She had high levels of Lactid acid were high. She isnt a diabetic so she isnt taking insulin. This makes no sense.

"Uh can you get more blood work on Ayy'Verynn Alexander." I said to the nurse.

"Yes doctor." She said.

"You paged Dr. Avery?" A doctor asked from behind.

"Uh yes, my wife is ready to speak with you." I said.

"Yes I will page you when we are finished." She said.

"Okay thank you." I said going off to find Dr. Bailey.

When I found her she was looking at the surgical board.

"Dr. Bailey?" i said.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I need you to look at Ayy'Verynn's labs." I said.

"I did look at them." She said.

"Then why are her lactid acid levels high." I said.

"What?" She said taking the tablet.

"She isnt on insulin." I said.

"Oh no!" She said rushing off.

"Whats going on?!" I asked running behind her.

When we got to Ayy'Verynn's room she was seizing.

"What happened?!" I asked trying to hold her so she wouldnt hurt herself.

"We were just talking and she started seizing." The doctor said.

"Page neuro." Dr. Bailey said.

"Dr. Bailey what's wrong?" I asked.

"When I did her surgery we had to repair her pancreas and now I think it is leaking insulin inside  her body." Bailey said.

"Someone paged neuro?" Stephanie asked.

"Yes, check her pupils she just had a seizure. I'm taking her up to surgery." Bailey said.

"Is she going to be alright?!" I asked.

"Jackson I dont know." She said.

"Jackson." A hoarse voice said.

"Ayy'Verynn baby your going to be fine." I said.

"If I dont make it, tell the kids I love them and I want you to move on. Find someone great. If i come out of surgery and im on life support take me off I dont want to live like that. I love you." She said.

Little did I know those would be the last words I heard from her. Her heart had been through so much stress that she couldnt take it. She died on the table.

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