Episode 7

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I sat by her bedside in the ICU and waited for her to wake up. We had lost the baby and I wanted to be the one to tell her. Bae'Ler was in acoma after her surgery.

"Ayy'Verynn you got to wake up. I cant make this decision without you. Our baby girl is in acoma. Please wake up. I cant lose both of you." I said.

"Jackson maybe you should take a break. Go see Bae'Ler i will stay with Ayy'Verynn." Stephanie said from the door.

"No I cant see her like that." I said.

"You shouldnt be seeing either of them like this. Go take a breather." She said.

I got up and walked out the room. I went outside the hospital and stood in the rain.

"Jackson what are you doing?!" My mother asked bringing an umbrella to me.

"I cant lose both of them." I said.

"You arent going to. They will be fine." She said.

"You dont know that, they both coded on the table." I said.

"She is awake!" April said from the door.

"Which one?" I asked running back in.

"Ayy'Verynn." She said.

I ran into the hospital not caring that I was soaking wet. I ran i to her room and she was sitting up.

"Ayy'Verynn your awake." I said going over to her.

"Your wet." She said.

"I know." I said.

"We lost it didnt we?" She asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Bae'Ler isnt alright is she?" She asked.

"She is in acoma. She coded twice on the table." I said.

"Can i see her?" She asked.

"You have been through a lot. I dont think you need to see her hooked up to all those machines." I said.

"Jackson this may be the last time I see her alive. I want to see my daughter." She said.

"Okay I will get you a wheel chair." I said walking out.

I wheeled her into Bae'Lers room. I got her close to her bed and lowered the railing. She grabbed her hand and held it.

"Baby its mama now you listen. If you feel like you want to let go. Go ahead mommy or daddy wont be mad. We love you and know your in pain. We dont want you to suffer. If you cant take it let go. We love you." As she said that her monitor showed her heart rate go up. Which meant she heard her.

"Bae'Ler daddy is here. I love you if you are in pain baby let go. We wont be mad we know your hurting." I said.

"She is holding on for someone." Ayy'Verynn said.

"I will go get Kali' and Ben." I said leaving the room.

I went to daycare and grabbed them. When i got outside her room. I kneeled to their level.

"Now sissy is in a lot of pain. She is hooked up to a lot of machines. It may look scary but that is whats keeping her alive. She wants to let go. You guys dont want her to be in pain right?" I asked.

"No." Kali said.

"You go in there and tell her you love her and that its okay if she wants to go and live with jesus." I said.

They walked in the room and i sat them on her bed.

"Bae Bae its Kali' I love you and if you want to go and live with jesus its alright. Brother is here too. He loves you to." As she said that Bae'Ler's heart rate dropped and the monitor flat lined.

I took the kids out of there before Ayy'Verynn lost it. I looked back and she looked emotionless.

"Take them to my mom." I told the nurse.

"Yes doctor." She said taking them.

"She's gone." Ayy'Verynn said.

"She isnt in pain anymore." I said.

"She was only 4. She had a life to live. It should have been me." Ayy'Verynn said loosing it.

"Stop before you hurt yourself"  i said trying to hold it in myself.

"Jackson she was only a baby. We lost 2 kids today. They didnt deserve this." She said hitting my chest.

"I know they didnt." I said trying not to loose my cool.

"I heard is she alright?" Meredith asked from the door.

"She is angry." I said.

"Its going to be okay." Meredith said rubbing her back.

"She was my baby." She said.

"I know she was mine too." I said holding her finally letting my tears out.

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