Chapter Two

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Hey Guys!!! I know I haven't uploaded in like forever. But my life has been crazy lately to say the least. But anyway here it is. I made it extra long since I love yous and I'm so sorry it took me so long to upload.

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& remember feedback is always appreciated.

The good, the bad and the ugly.


Chapter 2

School absolutely sucks. Yeah, I know every teenager thinks that but really it does. It's not the fact that the class work is hard or that the teachers are assholes because quite frankly I love all my teachers and I could do the work in my sleep, it's the other students. My high school is small, only about 3,000 students are enroll and only about 2/3 of that, actually go to school. There's the usually cliques of course: the Jocks, Cheerleaders, Goths, Skaters/Rockers, Burn-outs aka: Junkies, Dancers, Book Geeks, Band Geeks ect.

You might be thinking, where do I fit into all of that? Well, actually I don't. I hate cliques. I think there pointless and annoying. I don't like being labeled and think that every person is unique, and to put yourself into a clique is downgrading that fact. Don't get me wrong, freshman year I got sucked up into it. I would hangout with one clique for a while but eventually I got bored and I would move on to the next one. I did this until finally I realized why do I have to only belong to one group. I basically said "fuck that" and now I hangout with who ever I want. I'm not a loser, I have friends, lots of friends actually, I just choose not to belong to a clique.

So your probably thinking where do I sit at lunch? Well it's kinda funny if you think about it, I sit with the gay guys. Yup, with the gay guys. Why? You might ask, well besides the fact that their awesome, their the realist people in my school. There's no false pretense about them, they are who they are and don't care if anyone knows it. Your also probably wondering why I don't sit with Natalie, Hannah, and Claire? That's because even though were best friends and have been since diapers, were all completely different. Natalie is your typically blonde hair, blue-eyed beauty. She's a cheerleader and of course part of the popular crowd. Claire is an athlete and her chosen sport is lacrosse. She hangs out with the jocks. Then there's Hannah, our little rocker, she hangs with all of the skaters.

So you can understand my surprise when I walked into lunch and they were all huddled at a table, together. We haven't sat at the same table as each other since 5th grade. So to say this was out of the ordinary would be an understatement. I looked around the cafeteria and saw that everyone was just as confused as me. Most people didn't even know we knew each other, let alone that we were friends. As I walked over to them, I could here people whispering about it.

"What is Natalie doing with them?"

"Why would Hannah waste her time with them bimbos?"

"What the hell does Claire think she's doing?"

Yeah, as you can tell their "group of friends" don't get along. As I made it to the table, I said in my most sugary sweet voice. "You know, if you all don't separate now, your most likely going to start a riot." I smiled innocently, as all three of them looked up at me. They all looked around, and rolled their eyes.

"Oh, fuck them." Natalie said as she looked back at me. Claire and Hannah nodded in agreement.

"What? Has hell just froze over and pigs started to fly?" I asked, a little shocked. Natalie, the golden girl, the one absolutely obsessed with her 'image' just told the whole school to fuck themselves. "Holy Shit! I think I just died and went to heaven. Nope, I think I'm dreaming, yeah this is probably a dream." I said, pinching myself to make sure it wasn't.

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