Chapter Eight

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I seriously had the worst case of writers block when I was writing this chapter. So, I know it's not my best but please just bear with me and soon the story will get so much better. Promise.


Chapter 8

When the kiss finally ended, and I started to breathe properly again, I felt myself step away from Julian quickly. I think with the consent flow of oxygen going to my brain and the warmth of his body fading, I finally realized what I did. I kissed Julian. Which was so not supposed to happen. As much as I would like to think of Julian as my Prince Charming, I know I couldn't.

In a week, when spring break was over and I flew back home, I was never going to see him again. I'm never going to ride off during sunset on the back of a horse, holding on to the man that I would live happily ever after with. Life isn't a fairytale, and in reality nobody lived happily ever after. I had to protect myself, make sure I didn't let myself get attached. I'm not going to let myself be one of those girls that falls madly in love with the first guy she has sex with. I couldn't afford it.

Don't get me wrong, Julian is great. He's smart, charming, funny, sweet and looks like he just walked off the pages of GQ, but that's what scared me. I could see myself falling for this guy. That's why I'm making this strictly business. Just like your average everyday business deal, well with a X rated twist of course.

When I finally came out of my thoughts, Julian was looking at me with a slight frown on his face. Normally it wouldn't be noticeable, but since I was standing so close to him, I did. I took another step backwards and trying to erase the awkwardness that I caused, smiled up at him and said "So is it too early to go to dinner?"

Julian looked at me for a second, some unknown emotion on his face, then shaking his head said "Not at all."

We decided to walk to the restaurant, since it was only a few blocks away. The restaurant wound up being this cute, little, romantic place. The restaurant was dimly lit with only about twelve tables, each with a candle lit in the center and two chairs on either side. A woman in her late thirties seated us. She had a tight black dress on, that dipped down low in the front, showing the world her 'two friends.' Seriously, if that dress was cut any shorter in the front it would show us everything, and I for one never wanted to see that. She handed us our menus and after giving Julian an extra flirty smile went to go get our drinks. I rolled my eyes as I watched her shake her hips a little more than necessary into the kitchen. Guess Julian's appeal has no age limit.

"What was that for?" Julian asked, with a smile playing across his lips.

"What was what for?" I said, tilting my head to the side innocently.

"The eye roll."

"What eye roll?" I asked, but before Julian could response the waitress reappeared with our drinks. When she went to put Julian's drink down she leaned over, putting her 'friends' on full display. Wow! Is it just me or is this girl trying way to hard. Can anyone say desperate? When the waitress asked if there was anything, anything at all she could do for him. I couldn't take it anymore. I straight up laughed in this girls face. Which I quickly tried to cover up with a fake cough, but it only resulted in me laughing harder. After my little laughing fit, which at some point the waitress left, I realized Julian was just starring at me.

"What?" I asked, when my laughter died down and I was able to speak without giggling.

"You know Mia that was a little rude." Julian said, taking a sip of his drink.

"I was rude. For all she knows she was hitting on my boyfriend, while I'm sitting right here." I said, throwing my arms up in the air. If it was any other girl they would of bitched that whore out, all I did was laugh at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2010 ⏰

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