Chapter Six

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-I changed the title but its still the same storyline of "Sold my virginity to a hot billionaire."

Hey Wattpaders!!!! I know it's been forever since I uploaded and I'm not going to sit here and make excuses but I hope that you understand my life has been crazy and I didn't forget about you guys.

I just want to say thank you to every one who has stuck by the story and hasn't given up on me. You all are the best and I love each and every one of yous.

& remember to tell me what you think.




As I looked back at the letter I couldn't help but think I finally found my Prince Charming.

But then why did I feel like I was no Cinderella?      

Chapter 6

Usually asking your mom if you could go to a trip to Amsterdam with your friends on Spring break would be a big ordeal. Usually you would get asked questions like "Who are you going with?" "Where are you staying?" "How are you getting the money to pay for this?" Like I said, usually. But no my mother looks at me over the newspaper she's reading and says "So I don't have to deal with you for a whole week?" Yes, welcome to my life. I have such a loving mother don't I?  

"Yeah mom, you won't have to deal with me for a whole week." I said, rolling my eyes and putting my hand on my hip. "So can I go or not?"  

"Of course your going." She said "This is the first time that Ryan and I will have the house to ourselves and there is no way in hell I'm letting you ruin it." She gave me one last bitchy look, then went back to reading the paper. That was the whole conversation. Yes, that was it. Her daughter was going across seas to another country, Amsterdam at that, and all she could think about was how she didn't have to deal with me for a whole week. Yup, she's really in the running for mother of the year, let me tell you.

That was yesterday, about four minutes before we left for the airport. Yes, I do know I waited to the last minute literally, but come on it's not like my mother gives a shit anyway.

We've been on the plane for God knows how long, and I don't know how I would survive if we were in coach. Yes, we. Do you honestly think I wouldn't bring my three best friends with me. I mean come on, if nothing else it is an all expenses paid trip to Amsterdam for fucks sake.

The plane touched down and we finally landed. As Hannah, Claire, Natalie and I made it off the plane the butterflies I've been feeling the whole trip went in overdrive. "Guys what if I can't do this?" I asked them.

Hannah looked back at me "Then you don't" She said simply.  

"No one is pressuring you into doing this Mia, not even Julian." Natalie said then took my arm.  

I took a deep breathe and said "Your right." I looked around the airport and laughed. "Guys, can you believe it. Were in Amsterdam!" I said and smiled widely. As we were making our way over to baggage claim I saw a guy dressed in a suit holding up a sign that read: Mia O'Connell and under that in smaller letters Mrs. Blake.  

"Smartass." I muttered under my breathe as I walked up to the guy. "I'm Mia O'Connell." I said as the guy looked down at me.  

He smiled widely and said "Hello, Mrs. Blake. I'm Charlie, I'll be your driver the rest of the time your in Amsterdam." Really? Well I'll be damned.  

"I'm sorry but if I'm not mistaken, I thought Mr. Blake was suppose to pick me up this morning." I asked.    

"No Miss, your not mistaken but Mr. Blake got pulled into a meeting earlier and couldn't make it so he sent me instead. I hope that alright." Charlie said.    

I smiled at him and had to admit to myself that our driver was hot. He seemed to be in his early twenties, with black hair and really pretty brown eyes. They were like a milk chocolate color, which I was totally jealous of because my eyes were so dark brown they almost looked black. If every guy in Amsterdam is this sexy, I never want to leave.  

"It's fine." I said. "Oh, and you can just call me Mia, and these are my friends Hannah, Claire, and Natalie." I added as I pointed each one out.    

Charlie loaded all our luggage, which was a lot of bags, on to one of the huge cart things and lead the way out of the airport. I'm not sure what I was expecting but a limo was not it. Claire and Natalie rushed past me to Charlie, who was holding the car door open, to ask him if they could sit up front with him. So it seems I'm not the only one who thought our driver was hot.  

Hannah walked up beside me and said "Wouldn't mind if he rode me." I looked over at her and shook my head laughing.    

"Guys relax. Your scaring the guy." I said as I walked passed them and climbed into the limo. Yes, limo. How freaking awesome is that!!! Hannah wound up being the one who sat up front with Charlie. Apparently while Natalie and Claire were fighting about it, Hannah jumped in the front seat. Pretty funny if you ask me. Which no one was, because I was laughing so hard.


So what do you think???

& I promise you'll finally get to meet Julian next chapter.

The girl who sold her virginity.Where stories live. Discover now