Chapter Five

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Hello Wattpader!!!!

I know that it has been a while since I last uploaded but there is a reason for that.

It seems that there is another story on Wattpad that has the same storyline as me. I was wondering if it was worth my time to contiune to write this story. You must understand when I first uploaded this, mine was the first story like this on here. It was original. It is THE ORIGINAL and I pride my self with coming up with stories that are new and different. I work hard on all my stories and it hurts a great deal when someone steals my original idea and trys to make it their own. Wattpad is a place for creative people to showcase their work. Not for someone to steal someone else's idea and to try and pass it off as there own.

But as you can see, I decided to contiune. All of the people who liked and commented on this story are the reason I'm contiuning. You guys are great and all your feedback is amazing.

But anyway this is the next installment in "Sold my Virginity to a hot Billionaire."

Thankyou & Enjoy


Chapter 5

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I asked, for what must have been the hundredth time.

"Yes Mia, It's going to work. I wish you would just relax. I took care of everything." Julian said trying to sooth me.

Making myself get out of my beat-up old car was one of the hardest things I have ever done. The unseasonably warm weather had ended and winter came back this year with a vengeance. The cold almost arctic air nipped my nose and the freezing wind whipped my hair around. Huddling even more into my jacket, I swiftly walked into the bank.

"Alright, I'm here." I said in to my phone, as I looked around the bank. It was all sleek marble and stone arches. All the furniture was done in dark woods with crème color fabric and the paintings were all colorful serene landscapes. I think they were trying to brighten up the place, but failed miserably. It looked more like an old museum then a bank.

"Just remember what we went over and you will do fine." Julian said from the other side of the phone.

"Okay. Call you later." I said as I took a deep breath and started to walk up to the main desk. My heels clicked against the marble floor, which reminded me of what I was wearing. Julian said that I had to get dressed up, I laughed at him at the time but, after seeing this place, now I completely understood.

"Hello, I'm Kim. How can I help you today?" Said the receptionist. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a bun and her brown eyes were focused solely on me. Like at any second, I was going to pull a gun on her and robbed the place. Man, and I thought I cleaned up nicely. Her words seemed nice enough but her tone sure-of-hell wasn't. Which was confirmed by the fact that she had this nasty little sneer on her face.

Bitch. Is what I wanted to say but I composed myself and "Hello, I'm Mia O'Connell. I believe you were expecting me." came out instead.

Without even glancing at the appointment book, she said " And I believe you have the wrong bank." She was about to add another little snobby comment, when a man I didn't know was there came up behind her and pushed her aside. He seemed to be in his early-forties and already had the signs of a comb-over. He was a little over weight but that was covered up by the very expensive suit he was wearing. He had an aura of authority and walked with purpose, like every movement was intentional. He was a typical high class banker, which made me believe he was high up on the totem pole.

The girl who sold her virginity.Where stories live. Discover now