Chapter Three

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Hello Wattpaders!!!!

So this is the next installment in "Sold my Virginity to a hot Billionaire."

But, anyways I would just like to take a minute and thank everyone who has read my story. All your feedback is amazing and really means a lot to me.

Oh and I put a picture up of Mia. It's on the side ------------------->

& when I stop being lazy I'll put up a sideshow of all the character pictures.


Chapter 3

"Oh. My. FREAKING. God! What the hell was that?" I said, shaking my head in disbelief. I looked over to where Natalie, Hannah, and Claire were still sitting at the lunch table. "What the hell have you got me into? What the hell am I expose to do now?" I said, glaring at them.

"Well......" Claire began but obviously couldn't think of anything to say because she stopped. After the phone conversation between me and Julian, I told my best friends everything. They sat there with looks ranging from shock, to disbelief, to sympathy. They confessed to me after the conversation that they didn't think any of the contact information was real, they thought that the offer was just to good to be true. Which is funny because that's exactly what I thought and now I'm just not so sure. He seemed so serious and sincere but maybe I just wanted to hear that. Who knew what or who this guy was?

"Okay, that's it. I'm calling it off. There's just way to many what-ifs. I'm crazy but this is just insane." I said, putting my head into my hands.

"What's just insane?" said a masculine voice from behind me. Wait, I know that voice. I turned around and glared at my brother.

"Kyle Matthew O'Connell, Have you been listening to our conversation? Haven't you ever heard that eavesdropping is wrong. Hasn't your mother taught you better?" I said, looking up at him. Kyle gave me a 'what the fuck' look basically meaning 'Really, Mia. She's your mom too.' Yeah, as you can tell neither of us were too proud of that fact. "So were you? Listening, I mean." I asked, because if he was that would be a very, very bad thing. Man, who was I kidding he would kill me, literally. Okay, not literally but you get the idea.

"No, I wasn't listening. I have better things to do with my life then to sit around and spy on my little sister." He said, as he sat down on the table. Yup, on the table. Seriously, does he have any manners. People eat on these freaking tables for fucks sake. His dark chocolate brown hair was getting a little shaggy and in a serious need of a hair cut but it still looked good on him. His dark brown almost black eyes were still as gorgeous as ever. Actually we looked a lot like each other, most people thought we were twins. If I was a guy that's what I would look like my friends always said. Same dark chocolate brown hair and large almond shaped dark eyes, that were framed under long dark lashes. But, while my features were small and feminine, his were strong and defined.

"So baby, how about you stop trying to deny that you fine me irresistible and give in just like you know you want to." Kyle said, looking over at Natalie. Okay, let me rephrase that, it was more like he was undressing her with his eyes. Yeah, that explains the look better. Look here's the thing, Kyle has been trying to get into Natalie's pants for years now. So this was not an uncommon occurrence, usually Kyle would say a hell of a lot of shit that was worst then that.

"Oh please, in your dreams asshole." Natalie said, and stood up from the table. "Mia, we'll talk about 'stuff' later, 'kay." She said to me. We all know, that the 'stuff' she was referring to was the whole 'sell me virginity' thing. I shook my head 'yes' and then she glared at Kyle, turned around flipping her hair and stalked off shaking her ass the whole time. This was also not an unusually occurrence.

"Yeah, sorry girl but we have to go to." Claire said, as she and Hannah stood up to leave.

"Yeah, we'll call you later." Hannah said. I shook my head 'yes' and they left to go sit with their friends. This was also not an uncommon occurrence. You seeing a pattern here?

"Damn girl, you have your self some hot ass friends." Said one of the 'goons', I think his name is Mike or is it John. Hell, I don't know. The funny thing is I totally didn't even realize they were there until now. Which I should of figured because my bother doesn't go anywhere without his so-called friends.

"Okay, Umm.... eww.... Keep your eyes and hands away from my friends. There off limits. Got it?" I said, glaring at them with a look of disgust on my face. "That includes you to, big bro." I said, making sure he got it threw his thick head. I grabbed my bag and was about to storm-off when Kyle stopped me with seven words.

"Mom, brought home a new 'boyfriend' today." He said, knowing it would get my attention.

"A new scumbag junkie already." I said shaking my head. I turned back to face him and said "So what's the flavor this week? Crack, coke, crystal meth or is he more into prescription drugs?"

"Heroin." Kyle said, shaking his head.

"What? That asshole has mom shooting-up." I said it more like a statement then a question. Kyle just shook his head 'yes.' "Kyle, seriously she's going to over-dose one of these days and you know its going to kill her." I said. I accepted this fact a long time ago, I knew that her drug problem was only getting worst. It was going to happen sooner or later. "We have to admit her into rehab or this is never going to stop, well at least not until she's dead." I said, hopping this time he was listening to me.

Kyle shook his head 'no' and said "Look Mia, we already talked about this. If we put mom in rehab, then the state is going to take you away and I can't let that happen. We only have a couple months left until your 18th birthday, we will hold out until then."

"Fine, but if something happens don't blame me." I said. Then the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and our conversation.


So, what did you think????

Oh and this chapter is more of a filler chapter. It's purpose is to explain more about Mia's home life. I only touched on it in the first chapter and I wanted you all to understand it more.

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