Chapter Four

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Hey Guys!!!

So I know it's been about two weeks since I last uploaded and I want to tell you that I am so sorry for that. If you want to kill me, I'll completely undertsand.

But anyways heres the next chapter.

Hope you enjoy!!!


Chapter 4

"Mom, I'm home." I said, as I dropped my school bag and slammed the front door behind me. The rest of the day was just like any other, boring. As I made my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat I heard giggling. Yes, giggling. Like the type you hear in the hallways at school. You know, when girls are with a guy and he says something and the girl thinks he's so sweet but in reality he's just trying to get in her pants. Yeah, that kind of giggle. I swear if Kyle brought home one more bimbo, I'm going to flip.

While I was rooting threw the fridge, trying to ignore the obnoxious make-out session going on in the other room I heard. "Come on Ryan stop. My daughter is home. We can't do it here." Holy fucking shit! It wasn't some brain-less whore that was giggling like that. It was my own MOTHER! That's it. I'm scarred for life. No amount of therapy is ever going to fix this.

"Oh My God! Ewww..... That's disgusting. God, my ears. My poor virgin ears." I said, completely freaking out. "Why don't yous get a room. Wait, on second thought why don't yous just stop all together. Yeah, that works for me. Man, your like old. Your not expose to have sex, especially when your daughter is in the fucking house. What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled, knowing they heard my whole little freak out. I quickly grabbed my keys from the counter and was about to get the hell out of there when my mother stepped in front of the door, blocking my only way out. Perfect, just fucking perfect.

"What do you want?" My mother said, leaning up against the door frame. Her blonde hair was messy and her clothes looked like they were just thrown on. Okay, yuck! Not really the visually I needed right now.

"Ummm.... I don't know mom, maybe to come home and NOT hear you almost fucking on the couch." I said, glaring at her. "But, then again maybe that's just asking to much of you." i said, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Don't talk to your mother like that young lady." Said a guy, coming up and standing behind my mom.

"Look okay, I don't know who you are and personally I don't care but listen up buddy. I'll talk however and to whomever I please." I said, crossing my arms and glaring at them both. "Geez mom, Kyle said you had a new boy toy but don't you think this is a little ridicules. For fucks sakes where did you two meet the play ground. Man, how old are you twelve?" Okay, so I'll admit that I'm exaggerating a bit. He wasn't twelve, he looked to be in his early twenties. Which meant he was way to young for my mom. I mean come on, he was only a few years older then me and my brother. That's just not right. And if I had to admit it to myself he was hot. Well in a grungy, dirty kind of way.

"I'm twenty-two." The guy said. I think my mom called him, Ryan.

"Yeah, I know that's suppose to reassure me and all but seriously it doesn't." Right when I was going to make an excuse to leave and save us all from this awkwardness my phone started to vibrate. I quickly took my phone out of my back pocket and looked at who was calling me. Oh no! I recognize that number. Shit! Why the hell was he calling me?

"Look okay, I seriously have to take this call." My mom and her boy toy, I refused to call him anything else, moved aside and I quickly passed them and ran up the two flights of stairs to my room aka: the attic. It's not like we didn't have enough bedrooms or anything. It was a four bedroom house, it's just I liked my privacy and it seriously had its advantages.

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