Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Meeting Veronica Lodge

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Chapter 2 - Meeting Veronica Lodge

Third Person POV

The petite strawberry blonde strutted up the stairs and to the familiar front door and knocked on it as the breeze around her started to grow cooler.

"Morning, Macie." The father of one of her closest friends greeted as he scratched his growing beard.

"Morning, Mr. Andrews." She smiled brightly to him as she stepped inside and held her books tightly to her chest as she tried to get slightly warmer. The man then closed the door behind her as they both walked to the kitchen and she sat down at the table, awaiting for her best friend. "Archie not down yet?" She asked, looking up the stairs in eagerness.

"Nah. So you ready for the first day back?" Mr. Andrews then asked as he got a mug out of one of the top cabinets and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Definitely. Ooo, can you pour me a cup too?" Macie then asked as the smell of the hot fresh coffee lured her towards it and she started to walk towards the counter across from the older man.

"Hey, dad, first day of school and I'm already late!" She then heard her best friend, Archie, announce to his father as his footsteps were rushing down the stairs. "Hey, Mace, I thought I was supposed to pick you up?" The red head asked confused.

"Yeah, but were late!" Macie huffed in annoyance before taking a sip of the hot liquid in her mug and melting as she closed her eyes and sighed.

"Hey, you coming to the sight later?" Mr. Andrews asked his son.

"It's the first day." His son stated.

"Yeah, but we've gotta get you started on the office. So later we could get you on the crew." Archie's dad explained and the teenage boy sighed.

"Well, I can't. I've got football try-outs." Archie then said as he put some books in his bag and zipped it up. "And Macie has cheerleading try-outs. I can't just leave her there." He then added as his fathers eyes made his way to the young girl and back to his son. "Or is that not okay?"

"No, it's uh-it's okay." Mr. Andrews nodded slowly as he stared at his son understandingly. "Good luck. Both of you." He smiled to the two teens and they repeated the gesture back to him before walking out for school.

"Thanks for the coffee." Macie smiled brightly and the man chuckled as she grabbed her friends football letterman jacket off his couch and took it with her out the door. "Hold this?" The young girl asked as her and her friend made their way to school and she held her bag out to him.

"Isn't that my jacket?" Archie laughed as he held her bag for her and she slid the large jacket on. "You can't tell me that you're cold." He then chuckled and she rolled her eyes.

"Laugh it up, Archie, but when you're at home sick because you won't wear your jacket, don't come crying to me to bring you chicken noodle soup." Macie smirked as she took her bag away from the tall boy and put it back onto her shoulders.

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