Chapter 27

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Last chapter, kiddos.

Chapter 27 - For Love, Finally Overcomes

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Chapter 27 - For Love, Finally Overcomes

She breathed in heavily before coughing out the water within her lungs. Sighs were heard surrounding her. She looked around, shivering as her clothes stuck to her skin and questions filled her mind.

How did I get here?

Am I dead?

Did I die?

Someone quickly wrapped her shaking body in a heavy blanket, hinting that she wasn't dead just yet. Just extremely cold and numb.

"Thank god you're alright." Veronica sighed at the end of the ambulance. Macie actually nodded to her with a small smile instead of a grimace, making the girls heart warm.

"So, do you feel?" Archie asked lightly as the girl slid to the edge to join her friends.

"..cold..." she chuckled, her teeth gritting against each other. Jughead's eyes were wide as he stared at the love he'd almost lost. The fact that it was before she even knew, made it worse. "You okay, Jug?" She asked, bringing him out of his thoughts.

He cleared his throat, looking down at his feet. "Yeah, yeah. I'm just glad you're...okay.." he sighed.

"All of us are, M." Betty smiled, rubbing the girls arm to give her warmth.

"Where's Cheryl?" She asked, looking around to each. "She's not dead, right?"

"Cheryl's fine, Betty and I were just about to take her to my house for some hot chocolate beside a fire. Do you want to come?" Veronica offered though the girl shook her head. Betty and Veronica nodded, going their separate way.

After the EMTs had finally declared Macie as fine to go home, she'd quickly done so. Jughead and Archie had felt weary leaving her, feeling it necessary to stay the night and make sure she kept warm just as the medical professionals ordered.

Actually, it'd been Jughead staying with her. He'd decided that it'd be today that his feelings would be put on the line. The incident taught him that either of them could leave at any moment. What if she had before knowing?

Though Archie hadn't gotten the hint that Jughead wanted his alone time with her, so he'd agreed with his best friend's plan to watch over her. Now there they sat on her couch, watching her favorite movies as Archie ran back and forth from the kitchen, bringing her numerous hot drinks.

"Come on, guys, I'll be okay. Go! It's a Friday night, have fun! " She encouraged the boys, trying to push them off the couch.

"Are you sure? Did you want more hot cocoa?" Archie jumped as he grew more protective.

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