Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3 - Try Outs

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Chapter 3 - Try Outs

After Veronica and Betty had done their cheer, Cheryl hadn't seemed all that impressed.

"Ladies, where's the heat? Where's the sizzle?" Cheryl asked though I had sent reassuring smiles to the both of them.

"Well, you haven't seen our big finish yet." Veronica stalled as Betty stood shyly in the background. The brunette then pulled my confused friend towards her as she started to whisper something. Then Veronica pulled Betty into a deep kiss. They had then took a step away from each other, awaiting for Cheryl and I's approval.

"Check your 'sell by' date ladies because full lesbian kissing hasn't been taboo since 1984." The red head stated. "So lets see if you do better on the interview portion of this audition."

"Interview portion?" I whispered in confusion, but Cheryl had just dismissed me.

"Betty, how's your sister doing?" She asked.

"She's fine, thanks for asking." Betty replied shyly.

"Veronica, has Betty told you about her sister yet?" Cheryl targeted

"" Veronica answered.

"Cheryl, don't." I demanded, though was rudely ignored.

"Go ahead, Betty, tell Veronica about your sister and my dear brother." Cheryl ordered and I shook my head.

"Betty, you don't have to." I stated gently, knowing that this is a sensitive topic.

"Yes she does." Cheryl dismissed.

"Polly and Jason dated." Betty answered simply.

"I wouldn't say dated." Cheryl scoffed.

"It didn't end well." Betty ended.

"In fact, Jason is probably why your sister had a nervous break down and now lives in a group home. Isn't it?" Cheryl bluntly said and I stared at the red headed girl beside me.

"That's what my parents think." Betty stated.

"Cheryl, stop." I ordered.

"Macie, no." Cheryl replied before turning back to Betty who seemed as if she wanted to leave. "What do you have to say about that, Betty? Go ahead, the floor is yours. Whatever you have to say about Jason and how he ruined Polly, unleash it. Destroy me. Tear me a new one. Rip me to shreds. Annihilate me." Cheryl taunted and I stood up, standing in front of Betty and putting my hands behind my back to hold her clenched ones to calm her down as I spoke to Cheryl.

"Stop. Betty has never done anything to you and you know that. Now if, Cheryl, you don't wanna stop acting like a little bitch and take this seriously, all three of us can leave." I concluded.

"Right.." Cheryl muttered underneath her breath. "Veronica, welcome to the river vixons. Betty, better. Luck. Next time. That good enough for you?" She then said before turning to me with gritted teeth.

"What?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I need girls with fire on my squad. Not ones who need protection." Cheryl targeted and I took a calming deep breath before dropping hands to my sides.

"I know you would rather people fear than like you, but let me just say that I'm not afraid of your childish little games, Cheryl. The way you will strut and believe that you're all high and mighty because you have money, spoiler alert, doesn't make you a world class queen. That certainty and entitlement you wear on your head isn't real." I started to taunt as I dangerously strutted closer. I then snapped my fingers and made a gesture for the two cheerleaders who were sitting beside us to leave and they quickly did so as I got closer to her face and whispered, "because I'm the queen. And as you may have noticed, I'm not really into fire, my specialties ice." Cheryl took a deep breath before I spun around and faced Betty and Veronica with a bright smile. "Welcome girls to the river-vixons. I hope you find it very cozy."

Both Veronica and Betty had smirks on their faces before I led them to the girls locker room to get their cheerleading uniforms. After they had gotten it on, it looked absolutely stunning on the both of them.

"Very Betty Draper season 1." Veronica remarked as she looked to Betty before turning to the mirror behind her and Betty led me away for a second.

"Hey, Mace, why'd you defend me? I know the crowd you run with, you could've ruined your reputation." Betty started to say, feeling guilty for what I did but I just shook my head.

"Betty, you know all that doesn't matter." I chuckled and she raised an eyebrow as a small smile started to spread on her lips. "We're friends, we'll always be friends no matter what anybody says or does. And plus, you can't mess with the queen." I joked on the last part and she pulled me into a hug. I chuckled slightly, hugging her back for a second before I noticed Veronica watching us.

"Very cute." She remarked and I rolled my eyes.

"Well I've gotta go, meet you guys later?" I asked and they both nodded. I sent a smile to the both of them before grabbing my bag and heading out to my tutoring session.

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