Chapter 10

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You guys deserve better than waiting for me to you go !!!

Chapter 10 - A Sticky Maple

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Chapter 10 - A Sticky Maple

*Jughead Narration*

Guilt, innocence.

Good, evil.

Life, death.

As shadows around Riverdale deepened, the lines that separated these polar opposites blurred and distorted.

'I'm guilty,' Cheryl said in Biology class. But of what?

*third person*

"To clarify, I didn't mean I was guilty of killing Jason. I loved him more than I do myself." The red head had stated as she sat before the sheriff and her principal in his office. "But I am guilty of lying about what happened on July 4th."

"The autopsy puts his death at about July 11th." The sheriff stated. "When was the last time you saw your brother?"

Cheryl looked down at the floor with saddened eyes before replying, "it was July 4th. I don't know what happened the week after that, but.."

"Cheryl, in your own words, what happened at Sweetwater river?" The sheriff interrupted.

"The plan was bananas, even for me." Cheryl started lowly. "Jason wanted to leave Riverdale and never come back. He asked for my help to stage a tragic accident, so that our mom and dad wouldn't come after him." She thought back. "Our story would be; we went for an early morning boat ride and the boat tipped and capsized and Jason drowned. In fact, we made it to the other side dry as bones. We snuck up behind the Greendale side of Sweetwater river. He promised he'd call me once he was in a place where he wouldn't be reached or pulled back by our parents. One month at the most! Everyday I waited for him to call. For an email!"

"Did you tell anyone about the plan? Any way they would be able to commemorate it?" The sheriff asked with a raised eyebrow. Cheryl looked down sadly as her green eyes started to build up with unshed tears and guilt. "Do you have any idea why your brother may have wanted to run away? Fake his own death? Doesn't that seem..cruel?" The man started to interrogate casually with his eyes locked onto the young girl on the edge of tears.

"No, he wasn't." She breathed out lowly. "Jason wasn't cruel!" She then defended louder.

"So maybe this is all just a web of lies you're spinning to cover your own tracks?" He suggested.

"I didn't kill Jason!" Cheryl blurted before taking a small breath and continuing, "There was a gunshot that morning. We heard a gunshot on July 4th. Maybe whoever killed Jason took a shot at him and missed that morning." She suggested.

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