Chapter 15

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Song of the chapter: "Friends" by Chasing Atlantic 

 Chapter 15 - Bughead Sounds Disgusting*Jughead Narration + third person POV*

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Chapter 15 - Bughead Sounds Disgusting
*Jughead Narration + third person POV*

What makes a place feel like home?

Is it warmth and familiarity? Some idealized make-believe version of the American Dream? Is it love and acceptance? Is it a certain person? Or is it simple safety?

Or it's none of those things..

Jughead awakened from his deep slumber by his phone alarm beeping. He got out of the sleeping bag set up inside a janitors closet of the high school, grabbing his toothpaste and sliding on his flip flops.

..and it's a place where the captain of the football team is murderer...

..or it's just a forgotten closet underneath a well-trot staircase..

He peeked his head outside the door, assuring himself that there was no one in the halls before walking toward the boys locker room.

...or it's just you and the mice and spiders. Like an extra in a west-craven movie..

After brushing his teeth, Jughead looked in the mirror to see a face behind him. He heavily gasped, spinning around to see one of his childhood friends behind him. He sighed as a breathy laugh escaped both of their lips.

"What are you doing here?" Archie asked, the playful smile never falling off either of their lips.

"Taking advantage of the schools state of the art facilities." Jughead replied sarcastically with a small laugh as he turned back around.

"No, really, Jughead, what are you doing in here?" Archie asked, becoming more serious.

Jughead sighed, giving in as he got dressed and walked Archie to his new room in the school. The red head was surprised and confused as he discovered that by the amount of things inside, he'd been here for a while.

"How long?" Archie asked, looking back to his friend.

"Well..since they shut down the drive-in." Jughead shrugged. "That's where I was living before.."

"Why the hell are you not living at home?!" Archie asked, getting angrier.

"Truth is, things aren't good at home." Jughead answered sadly.

"With your dad?"

"Yeah." He replied quickly. "He kinda fell off the wagon..After your dad fired him, to tell you the truth. Hasn't had a job since. He keeps promising that he'll get his act together, but my mom couldn't take that roller coaster anymore so she grabbed Jellybean and went to live with our grandparents." Jughead explained. "And I'm not like Macie where she could just go tutor some kids to support my family, so I've been..."

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