2;)Hoping you'll never know

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On Friday evening Louis met up with Michael, Ashton and Niall infront of the blaring house. They greeted each other with their typical loose hugs and went inside.

Louis had no idea what to do or where to go so he just followed Michael and Niall through the crowd. The loud music and many people made him feel a bit uneasy but everyone was going on parties so what should happen?

They ended up at the bar and got themselves drinks. Louis was just drinking a coke while Michael and Niall had cups filled with whatever alcoholic drink. Ashton held a bottle, "It barely tastes like alcohol. Otherwise I wouldn't drink it either." He explained to Louis.

"That's because there is barely alcohol in it." Michael teased. Ashton just rolled his eyes, not bothering to protest. The music was too loud for him to talk properly. Ashton just wasn't a loud person, similar to Louis. They tried though, mostly standing close to understand each other while watching Niall and Michael get more and more drunk.

Louis saw Harry at some point but he soon disappeared in the crowd again. Louis knew Harry saw them though, because he walked by quite closely and he would have to be blind to not notice them.

Inside, Louis was a bit happy Harry had seen him on the party because now he could come off at least a bit cool to him. That's all there was, after all, Louis admiring Harry and hoping he would notice his good sides. There wasn't much more Louis allowed himself to wish.

"Louis! Hey Ashton! I was hoping to find you. It's great to see you here." Avril gave them a hug.

"Hey Avril." Ashton grinned.

"Hi." Louis smiled at her.

"Wow, Niall and Michael are having fun, aren't they." Avril laughed, watching them yell something akin the song that was playing.

"Avril." Niall stepped closer and stage whispered, "Don't tell anyone but we're not actually this drunk. Acting drunk is just so fun." Michael chuckled and nodded along.

Avril raised her eyebrows, "Interesting. Anyways," She turned to the girl accompanying her, "Ariana, these are my class mates. Great guys, really. Okay, now let's go find Harry."

"Why do you want to find Harry?" Louis blurted out before he could think better of it.

Avril giggled, "She likes him. She thinks he looks good."

"Avril." Ariana whined, "Don't just tell random people."

Avril told her something but Louis couldn't really make out, what. He tried to not let his reaction show and he guessed he succeeded when Avril and Ariana disappeared and everything was like it was before. Of course, nobody watched Louis that close to see the little reactions.

Louis forced himself to shake the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach off and didn't dare to examine what exactly the feeling was. He resumed talking to Ashton instead. That was until Ashton felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.

"Err... Guys." He shouted over the music, causing the three other boys lean close to understand him, "I have to go home, emergency. I'll see you on monday, at the latest. Bye." He gave Louis a brief hug and waved the others. Then he was gone.

"Yeah, I should go too." Louis said.

"No!" Niall protested and gripped his arm, "You'll stay with us."


"Come on, we'll buy you a drink." Michael offered.

"I don't like alcohol."

"Coke it is then." Michael insisted so they ended up at the bar once again. Michael and Niall got Louis a coke and drank some weird shots themselves.

Long Before We Both Thought The Same Thing , Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now