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Dawson Teel Lynch was born November 14, 1990 in Memphis Tennessee. He lived in a hoodish neighborhood with his mom and dad. They didn't really live in a house though they lived in a duplex. Ever since he was three Dawson was in love with football. He lived right across from a college football practice field. The college teams name was the Memphis Tigers. He would always go to watch them practice and when he couldn't he would play football in his front yard. Two years later he had to move to a better house in a better place. He knew even at the age of five that he had to move to a better place but he really really didn't want to leave the Tigers practice field. On moving day he put on his Memphis Tigers shirt, pants, hat, socks, blanket, pillow, and his toy Tiger. They went on their way to the new house. They moved in April so he had four months to prepare for kindergarten. Four months flew by in the blink of an eye and he was ready but at the same time not ready to go to kindergarten he still didn't know anybody.

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