#3 ;)

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After breakfast I went to my room. I got my phone and called Luke. The phone went straight to voice mail..did he block me? No Luke would never do that. Right when I put my phone on my bed side table I heard a buzz. "Buzz buzz" I checked my phone and it said From Luke. See I knew he didn't block me.
Luke: Hey baby sorry I couldn't get Your call, I was taking a shower and I just got out. :)
Me: Oh wow that fast?
Luke: uh-ye yeah that fast :)
Luke always ends his texts with a smiley face or a winky face. When there is not a face I then know right away some things wrong.
Me: Mkay well can you come over today I need to talk to you about something?
Luke: Yeah sure I will be over in 15 minutes :)
Me: ok cya when ur here bye love you ;)
Luke: Bye love you too ;)
I set my phone back on the bed side table and went into my closet and grabbed some clothes. I put on a short sleeve shirt that was baby pink with some black ripped skinny jeans. The shirt was a crop top. It was mine and Lukes favorite shirt. It looked the best on me that's what Luke always says. And I just decided to wear it cause I like to see the look on his face when he sees me in it.
Little did savanna know that that shirt was gonna get her in a lot of trouble *if you know what I'm saying ;)* ~wink wink~
I grab my phone and slip it in my back pocket. My phone case was also a baby pink. Baby pink is my favorite color and never exactly liked a bright pink or dark pink. As I was walking down the stairs I saw Calum. I sighed silently and just carried on towards the kitchen. Calum was sitting at the dinner table in the dining room. He had his laptop open and he had his earplugs in. Mom was gone she had work and of course Calum just sits on his ass all damn day doing nothing. I went over to the other side of the kitchen counter to get a cup from the cabinet. I couldn't reach it but I just kept jumping. "Uhg!" "Ugh." "Damnit!" "Finally!" I finally got a hold of the cup but I noticed that I might have been too loud because when I turned around calum was staring right at me and not at my face....my ass. He snickered as he looked up at my face. I rolled my eyes and whispered to myself "Manwhore." I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the jug of Lemonade my mom had made the night before. When I turned around Calum was right there. In front of me. He is so tall. I'm pretty short but not like super short. His height scared me a little. He snickered as he said "Don't worry little one, I don't bite." "Get lost you creep." I said. I pushed past him and made it to the other side of the counter to put down the jug and then all of a sudden he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me towards him. "Ah!" I yelled. I had tears in my eyes because he hurt my scalp. "Now you listen to me you little slut. I am not your dad or father from now on you must call me daddy." He said to my face. "And what if I don't" I said in a tone he didn't like because he pulled me back again. "If you don't you will be punished. Depends on how bad. Sometimes physical and sometimes sexually." When he said that my heart dropped at the sexually part. He is going to sexually abuse me! "Got it princess?" He asked. I didn't answer and he slapped me on the ass. Really Hard. "Yeah whatever..." I said. "Yeah what?" I didn't answer and he started to raise his hand again. I blurted out "yes daddy." "Good I think we understand each other." He snickered and walked back to the living room with his computer. The doorbell rung and he yelled "Who the hell is that?" "Nobody of your concern!" I yelled back in response. I ran to the door and whispered to him. "Shhh, follow me." Luke followed me to the back yard area where we had a pool indoor area. Surrounded by glass walls so you could see outside of it. "Why are we in here Vanna?" He asked. "Because I need to talk to you." "Ok go ahead I am listening." He said. "Ok so I have a step dad. My mom is married to Him, but he's still my step dad and he's a douche." I said. "Why is he a douche?" He asked. "He uh well I went downstairs this morning and he whispered in my ear sexually and then 4 minutes before you came to the door he grabbed me by my hair and kept hurting me and told me that I can only call him daddy and that if I don't obey his rules he will phisically harrass me and sexually abuse me." I said all of that with tears in my eyes. After I did I started crying. Luke hugged me. "That son of a bitch is going to pay! Vanna let me out of here so I can go kick his ass." He yelled. "NO! You can't tell him anything I told you because if you do he will hurt you. Luke I know him better than you do he will kill you trust me! Promise me...you won't do anything to upset him." "Fine I promise. But if he hurts you again you can immediately come over to my house understand?" He asked. "Yeah I understand." "Do you want to sleep over at my house. My cabin is set up for you and me." He asked. "Actually I would be happy too I don't want to sleep tonight in my own room not knowing what that creep could do to me while I'm sleeping." "Your safe as long as I'm with you." He said comforting me. "I know. That's why In love you." He brought me closer and kissed my for head. "Let's go back inside ok?" He said. "Ok."

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