Chapter Five: Arrival

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3 long days later, we rolled into the Canterwood Crest Academy parking lot.
I had major butterflies in my stomach!
"Well, we're here I guess." I managed to get out.  

I slid out of the truck and headed towards the trailer door.

"Can you hold Lefty while I get Hotrod?" I asked my dad.

He replied with a single nod.

I grabbed a lead rope and headed into our Lakota Bighorn trailer.

I Unclipped Lefty's new halter and clipped the lead rope to it.

I led Lefty out of the trailer and handed him to my dad.

Lefty was such a good boy! He hadn't even blinked an eye at his new surroundings! he'd been to so many shows all over the country, new places didn't really bother him anymore. Which I was so happy about because my first year showing him was his first time ever being shown and he went psycho at every show.

I led Hotrod out of the trailer and grabbed Lefty from my dad.

My step mom reached for her camera "ok Amber, smile!"

I made sure Lefty and Hotrod were looking towards the camera as I gave a false smile.
I followed the signs pointing to the horse barn with Lefty, Hotrod, my dad, and Julie in tow.
I stopped in front of a big stable "I guess we take them in here"

"Sure looks like it" said my dad.

I led my two geldings into the barn.

Oh no... lots of people!
The barn was filled with students and their families and horses everywhere.

I tried to turn around and leave, but my dad shoved me forward.

Ok Amber, you can do this.....I told myself.
I walked up towards a girl who looked about my age with pretty mocha colored skin, brown eyes, and dark brown hair.

"Hi, I'm Amber....umm.... I'm new this year, do you know where I should take my horses?" I asked nervously.

"I'm Callie!" The girl said as she reached over to pet Lefty's neck. "What are their names? Because that's how the stalls are labeled.
I told Callie their names.

"Those are cute names! Follow me!"
I nervously followed Callie down the aisle.

We reached two stalls with their names on the stall name plates.

"So, what grade are you in, I'm in 10th?" Callie asked, "and I'm assuming your trying out for the school team?"

"I'm in 10th grade too" I stroked Lefty's white Star, "I'm actually not trying out for the school team, I ride basically just western and mostly do Quarter Horse showing and stuff, but thankfully Canterwood still let me bring these guys"

Callie and I talked for a little while about the school horse teams and AQHA showing while we waited for my parents to get back from the truck where they went to unhook the horse trailer.

She was so nice!

After my parents unhooked the trailer and left in the parking lot near Canterwood's trailers, my parents helped me unload all of my things for my dorm which was in Orchard Hall.

My parents talked to the main riding instructor and he was letting me keep my trailer here so I could keep some of my tack and stuff in there because I had so much that it wouldn't all fit in the small space I was assigned in the tack room.

"Well I guess this goodbye" Julie said as we reached our truck.

I looked down at my boots... I still couldn't believe they were actually leaving me here, at Canterwood. "Ya, I guess this is goodbye"

I hugged Julie and said bye to my dad before their Sierra drove out of Canterwood's busy parking lot.

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