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he feels pretty confident that Jocelyne's mom would love him-he is nice, has good grades, and is an overall good kid.

he hands in his health class midterm and sits down at his desk. he looks back at her and sees her chewing on the eraser of her pencil with a concentrated look on her face. he laughs a little and faces forward.

when the class is done and everyone handed in their midterm, Jace and Jocelyne walk out together holding hands.

his one friend laughs silently behind the two and then places her hand between the two and says, "aren't we just a cute trio?" while laughing her head off.

Jocelyne turns around at that and sees his friend smiling at her. Jace just shakes his head and walks with the posse.

she uses her foot as a barricade against him coming towards her

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she uses her foot as a barricade against him coming towards her. "stop! I just want watch the TV show!"

"but we've watched it already," he pouts and puts his head on the couch.

she shrugs and says, "but still. I like watching SVU."

"fine, but can I at least get a kiss?" she does a sit up and kisses him quickly before laying back down and looking at the TV.

twenty minutes later and a new Law and Order: SVU is on and they're both yelling at the TV. she has her head on his thigh and hugging his knee. the door closing was ignored as the show came to an end and the court case was coming up.

"Jocelyne! have you-"

"ma! sh! I'm watching SVU!" she yelled and unconsciously dug her nails into Jace's knee because of how intense the wait was.

"how do you find the defendant?"

"on the charge of third degree murder, we find the defendant guilty. on the charge of first degree rape, we find the defendant guilty."

Jocelyne said, "ha, that's what you get!" and pointed to the screen as the killer was dragged out.

her mom walked in the room and remarked, "you're on an SVU marathon lately, don't you think you'd get tired of it?"

her mom never even noticed the guy staring at her with wide eyes as he saw how much his girlfriend looks like her mother; they both have wide eyes, hollow cheeks, hazel eyes, and a short height-around 5'8", he's 5'11".

Jocelyne rolled her eyes playfully and said, "there's never too much of Law and Order: SVU, ma."

her mom finally notices Jace and smiles. "I'm Cyndi, Jocelyne's mom."

he gives her a friendly smile and Cyndi walks out saying she should start dinner, but yells to Jocelyne about her aunt coming over.

Jocelyne's aunt had moved out a little less than two weeks ago and Jocelyne couldn't have been more elated.

"I hate my aunt." she declares to him and goes back to watching yet another episode of Law and Order.

he laughs and shakes his head at her bad temper.

I think I might add some chapters

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I think I might add some chapters. I just feel like this isn't the right ending.

Edit: I have no school tomorrow, so I'll probably update this book again; there is a Nor'easter coming to Pa and I'm partially mad but happy. Mad- I was supposed to go to NY but now I can't and that trip was expensive for my family yo dish out. Happy- I don't have to go to school and that's always a good thing.



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