Just Like Us

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Lauren's eyes slowly fluttered open at the faint sound of something vibrating against the surface of the nightstand. She had always been a light sleeper and any little noise would always wake her from her sleep. She turned her head towards the direction of the sound, her still, sleepy green eyes landing on her phone on the nightstand. Her eyes strayed to the clock near the lamp on the nightstand; it was still pretty early, 9am to be exact.

Who the heck is calling me at THIS hour on a Thursday morning?

Her thoughts were gladly interrupted by soft, warm skin nuzzling against her shoulder, the still sleeping, younger brunette's nose brushing lightly on her skin. Her lips pulled to her green eyes, her gaze lovingly locked on the girl sleeping on her as she placed a gentle kiss on Camila's head, careful not to wake her.

***Flashback 9 1/2 Years Ago***

Fifth harmony was in the middle of their first tour and they found themselves sleeping on the tour bus the majority of the time, going from city to city. It must've been around 2am and they were driving through a town that wasn't familiar at all, which happened a lot. It was that city you passed through to get from point A to point B. Lauren couldn't sleep so she sat near the front of the tour bus, head against the window, green eyes gazing upwards towards the stars. The green-eyed beauty hasn't been able to sleep the last few months, her heart weighing heavy. Her brain constantly fought with her heart, reminding it to push down whatever it was she's been feeling for some time now.

Maybe I'm just misinterpreting these FEELINGS. Maybe it's nothing, yeah nothing. We've been on the road for so long and Camz is amazing, of course I adore her. IT'S MORE THAN THAT. Shut up heart! Seriously shut up! Thanks brain. It's NOTHING, besides when you spend this much time with someone, you're bound to develop some sort of, what word am I looking for? Attachment! Yes, that's it. It's nothing. I'm fine.

A body sitting down next to her broke her thoughts, her eyes turning to look at the head full of brunette hair suddenly resting on her shoulder.

Definitely NOT nothing.

Lauren closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of the younger girl, "I thought you were sleeping." She whispered on her head.

"I tried, but I couldn't" She scooted a little closer, her body completely leaning on the older brunette. "Star gazing again?" Camila flashed the porcelain skin girl a tired smile, glistering brown orbs looked up at shiny green eyes, the older girl's lips pulled to her eyes.

She knows me so well; she's so adorable wearing that tired smile on her face.

"Tell me about them Lo? Please." She let out so sweetly.

"Okay," she turned her eyes out the window. "Well, you know those stars that you're beautiful brown eyes gaze upon?" Lauren paused at the sudden realization of what escaped her mouth.

Did I just say that? BEAUTIFUL.

"Mmmhmmm," she nuzzled her head against Lauren's shoulder some more, her eyes looking out the window.

Lauren could feel her heartbeat pick up, "they seem everlasting, almost permanent, but that's actually just because of the restrictions placed by our minds. We want to believe that stars are forever, but they're just like you and me." Smoldering green eyes turned to look into bright brown ones that were held in place by every word the older brunette let out. "Stars are born," Camila batted her lashes causing Lauren's heart to beat even faster, "they exist for however long they're suppose to and then they die; some may fade away, some may explode and no one will ever even know, but they're not immortal, just like us." The younger girl's lips pulled to her eyes, as they stayed locked on the older brunette.

"Lauren," Camila placed her hand on Lauren's heart, her index finger running along the older girl's collarbone, "your heart, it's beating so fast."

Lauren bit her bottom lip, her eyes mesmerized by the brown-eyed beauty. She inched down, closer to Camila's lips, waiting for the younger girl to meet her halfway. Camila licked her lips, moving upward, both of them inching closer to each other...

"Alright ladies!" The driver said loudly as both brunettes' turned their attention to the front of the bus. "Rest stop! If you need to go, go now!"

***End of Flashback***


Her eyes narrowed towards her phone, she groaned knowing she probably wasn't going back to sleep.

I better get it.

Lauren was about to roll closer to the nightstand when she suddenly realized she couldn't; Camila was occupying almost half her body, which the older girl didn't mind at all. She tried to slightly wiggle out from under her, just enough to reach her phone, but she couldn't, not without waking her up. That wasn't an option, she loved the way Camila looked when she was sleeping, and it melted her heart just watching her.

UNBELIEVABLE. She's the tiniest thing, but she feels like she weighs about three hundred pounds.

She smiled from ear to ear at the thought.


She somehow managed to move closer to the nightstand, finally able to reach her phone as she answered it.

"Hello?" she whispered trying not to wake the sleeping girl, still partially on her.

"Hey Laur, why are you whispering?" Dylan asked on the other end.

"Camz is still sleeping, what's going on?"

"Ohhhh, gotcha. One of the producers of the Victoria Secret Fashion show called me and well you know how we're going to be on stage and you're going to be walking with the models on the runway singing..."


"Well obviously, the atmosphere will be sexy, flirty, like all other shows..."

"...Okay?" Lauren was a bit confused by his ranting. "Where are you going with this?"

"You know that Natalia Sestito is THE featured model right, their gem."

I don't think I'm going to like where this is going.

Lauren glanced at the younger brunette, "that's right, almost forgot." It all began to make sense.

"The producers want you to flirt with her, playfully banter with your bodies during one of the songs." He finally let out.

Lauren could feel Camila begin to move around, "do I even have a choice?"

"Not really, it's THE Victoria Fashion Show, this was inevitable, but with what happened, obviously there's a lot more to it for you."

"Alright," she sighed and continued to whisper, "I'll have to talk to Camila about it then."

"I'll see you later for rehearsals Laur." He hung up the phone.

"Talk to me about what?" A sleepy voice softly let out startling the green-eyed girl.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, hope you liked it anyways(kind of a filler) and hopefully I can update soon!

REFLECTION (CAMREN after 6 years of being apart. Lauren and Camila)Where stories live. Discover now