Written On My Heart

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A/N: Inspired by The Fray, one of my favorite bands <3 

Camila found herself alone on a private plane back to Los Angeles and completely overwhelmed with the emotions she had for the green-eyed girl. The petite brunette was still very much in pain over what just happened back in the hotel room and every breath she took seemed a little more desperate than the last. She’s loved Lauren for most of her life; SHE was the reason the younger brunette even knew the meaning of love and knowing the older brunette felt broken, it killed her. Uncertainty filled her entirely and questions that have always lingered in the back of her head all this time began to surface, the same questions Lauren had asked.

WHEN WAS LOVE EVER ENOUGH? She asked herself the same question, Maybe it’s NOT

Camila leaned her seat back, letting her body be submerged in her feelings; it was all she could do as she closed her eyes shut, tears began to form on the rim, overflowing, down her face.

***Flashback 9 Years Ago***


It had been a long day of recording and vocal lessons for the girls. Camila had been excused from the vocal lessons earlier in the day, not able to hit the notes she was suppose to. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred the brown-eyed girl would have hit those notes, but that one time out of the hundred, which happened to be today, she didn’t. For some reason she couldn’t hit her notes and was excused by their frustrated vocal coach. She was frustrated with herself and couldn’t go to sleep. She didn’t know what EXACTLY was bothering her, maybe BOTHERING wasn’t the word, something preoccupied her mind and whatever, WHOEVER that was weighed heavy on her heart and it affected everything else in her life.

This ISN’T normal, the young brunette thought to herself as she paced back and forth on the balcony of Simon’s Malibu beach house, I seriously need to get a hold of my feelings, are these feelings? Whatever they ARE, they need to stop; do I want them to stop? No, she just makes me feel so…so…


“Ahhh!” she breathed out towards the ocean, grabbing hold of the rail as her brown eyes stared into the black surface.

“Camz,” a tired, raspy voice caught her off guard, causing her body to go frigid, “you okay? Its almost two in the morning,” the older brunette approached her, placing her hands against the rail, porcelain skin slightly grazing caramel skin.

Don’t look at her, DO NOT LOOK AT HER, the words echoed in her head, you might do something you can NEVER take back.

“Yeah,” the brown-eyed girl keeping her gaze towards the ocean knowing if she turned to meet sparkling green eyes at 2am she might lose all inhibitions and do what she’s been wanting to do, “I just sucked today,” she shook her head in frustration, but that’s not really what’s making her uneasy.

Lauren turned her body, emerald eyes softly glaring at the side of Camila’s head, observing the younger girl in front of her as she leaned her body against the rail, “even when you THINK you suck,” she reached up, grazing her fingertips on smooth caramel skin before tucking a stray hair behind the smaller brunette’s ear, “you’re still better than most, you’re amazing Camz, don’t ever forget it.”

REFLECTION (CAMREN after 6 years of being apart. Lauren and Camila)Where stories live. Discover now