Wedding Plans

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A/N: Sorry for typos and all that, did this quickly! 

***A Few Months Later***

They were seated outside, green eyes drowning in a sea of blue. It was a beautiful day in Malibu. Mid 70s outside, the sun was high, shining down on them, skins glowing as a light breeze blew by, PERFECT was an understatement.

The delightful waitress made her way to the table, placing a glass of mimosa in front of either of them, “is there anything else I could get either of you for the time being?” her smile and tone welcoming.

Dylan looked at Lauren as she shook her head, taking a satisfied sip of her drink, “no thanks Ms., I think we are good for now, thank you,” he said with a smile, which was just as welcoming, before turning his attention back to his best, “so, how is the wedding planning going?” he asked with a mischievous look on his face.

The look due to countless times they both had heard about how stressful weddings are to plan and it’s ridiculous what goes into it, Dylan wanted to know if it was true.

“Ha,” Lauren let out a sarcastic laugh, “I don’t know why you’re giving me THAT look,” she spat, eyebrow perked, “you’re my best man, you have to do some planning too,” she took another sip.

“Yeah,” he agreed, smirking, “it’s called your bachelor party,” the green eyed girl across the table couldn’t help the wide smile appearing on her face at his devilish tone, “that’s right, I said BACEHLOR PARTY,” his smirk ever present, raising his glass.


Lauren raised her own glass to meet his, “cheers to that,” her tone mimicking his.



“It’s coming up pretty quickly,” he began to speak, the wedding was only a few months away, “how’s Mila doing?”

Lauren cleared her throat, “she’s…” she trailed off, scrunching her eyebrows in thought, “she’s, well ya know…she’s…” the porcelain skin beauty couldn’t quite find her words to describe how her future wife was doing at the moment.

Gosh, I’m at a loss for words, WHY? Well, my brown eyed queen has been driving me a little crazy with the wedding planning. I get it, Camila is somewhat of a perfectionist, okay maybe I am putting that lightly, she’s sort of turned into bridezill---


Dylan watched his best friend who seemed to be lost in her own mind, “BRIDEZILLA!” he snapped his fingers.


Did he just read my mind?


“No—no,” Lauren was saying ‘NO’, but her head shaking up and down was disagreeing with her mouth.

He began to laugh, “wow, who would have thought, tiny, little Mila would be a bridezilla,” he chuckled out.

REFLECTION (CAMREN after 6 years of being apart. Lauren and Camila)Where stories live. Discover now