The Break Up

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***Three Months Later, Jauregui Residence, Malibu, CA***


Lauren leaned on her balcony wall with her arms resting on the edge, fingers intertwined. The fair skin beauty’s hypnotized eyes scanned the blue-green ocean surface, her lips slowly pulling to a half smile. The red-orange color of the sun was reflecting off the water as it was setting just above the horizon, illuminating the sky.

BREATHTAKING, she thought to herself as she let out a chuckle in disbelief, it doesn’t matter how long I’ve lived here or how many times I’ve seen the sun set, whenever that blood-orange sphere disappeared below the horizon it took my breath away.


***Flashback 7 Year Ago***

The girls were on the verge of finishing their fourth world tour; they had about a month left and they would be done. The stress and the schedule was slowly getting to each of them and to make matters worse, management was REALLY breathing down on Camila and Lauren, watching their every move, not wanting CAMREN to be a thing in public, not as a friendship or relationship, NOTHING. Camila and Lauren had been given a stern speech about their actions, even as “friends,” they weren’t allowed to interact the way they used to, but they weren’t “just friends,” they were in love and not being able to BE in love was killing both of them slowly. No hugging, no giggling, no introducing each other on stage, no pictures alone together, nothing that would fuel the “rumors.” It was almost as if the two girls needed permission to even breath in the same air and the porcelain skin girl got the worst of the lectures, management noticing the way she would look at the younger brunette, they told her she needed to stop. Lauren didn’t take it very well, storming out of the room. She already HATED the fact that they had to hide and for management to have the audacity to tell the green-eyed girl that they didn’t “like” the way she looked at Camila, she lost it, rightfully so. The two brunettes had agreed to keep their relationship a secret and continued to deny that they were together whenever asked. They thought it best for their careers; they had to think about three other girls. So they kept their love a secret, doing all they could to take the attention away from “Camren,” even if it meant dating guys they were linked to. They both agreed it would be fine, that it would take the heat coming from their management team off of THEM, all these things slowly leading to their demise.

Camila walked into Lauren’s room slamming the door shut. The younger brunette was clearly fuming, her nostrils flaring as she crossed her arms, one hand holding a magazine as she tapped her foot on the floor, waiting for her girlfriend to turn her attention from her laptop to her.

The older brunette pulled her headphones off and slowly closed her laptop, popping her head up, her green eyes meeting dark brown eyes, “baby? Everything all right?” she knew it wasn’t, she just didn’t know why.

The pissed brown-eyed girl threw the magazine on the bed, “what the heck is this?”

Lauren stood up, her eyes drifting to the open page that had a picture of her kissing a random guy on the cheek, her arms thrown around his neck “linking” the two together, “Camila,” her green eyes locking with heated brown orbs, “we AGREED to this,” she gestured with her hand, “take the heat off remember?” she said with her eyebrows furrowed.

REFLECTION (CAMREN after 6 years of being apart. Lauren and Camila)Where stories live. Discover now