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"Louis I... I need to tell you something..." She said as she walked into our room. I looked up from the game that I was playing on my phone, and sat up a little more on the bed, giving her my attention.

She seemed nervous as She walked over to me slowly, her hand placed lightly on her stomach. Holding it there almost hesitantly is seemed.

"Uhm... I-I'm uh, well I... just uh..." She stuttered over her words, trying to find the right ones to say. I could tell she was nervous to say what was on her mind.

I smile reassuringly at her, "it's alright baby, take your time. You don't need to rush it out." She nods and takes a couple deep breaths, then looks down and stays quiet. I assume she's thinking about what she's going to say.

She lifts her head back up and opens her mouth as if she's about to say something, but instead a sad broken sound comes out, and she starts crying. I gently take her hand and pull her into my lap, wrapping my arms her, just holding her close. I kiss her temple and speak softly. "What's wrong, baby? Why are you crying? What you wanted to tell me can't be that bad, can it?"

She didn't reply. She just sunk into my chest, crying. I rubbed her back and just held her close, patiently waiting for her to calm down and explain what it was that had upset her so much.

After a few minutes calmed down enough, and her crying had diminished into little hiccups every now and then. "You okay now baby? Think you're okay to tell me what's wrong now?" I ask her. She nods a little then looks up at me, looking me in the eye.

At that moment, I could see so many emotions in her eyes; She looks hopeful and happy, but also sad, fearful, and worried. It's almost like the look a new mother has, the mixture of positive feelings for having the child, put together with the fear and worry of not knowing what to do.

I was too lost in my thoughts trying to pin point what all these emotions I'm seeing in her mean, that I hardly notices the small promise ring that was being placed gently into my hand.

I looked down at it, confused and a little sad. Not understanding why, she was giving this to me. I held her hand in mine, and tried to put it back on her finger, but she pulled her hand away before I could slip it back on.

I bit my lip a little, then looked up at her with tears in my eyes. "baby, please" I took her hand in mine again, and tried to give it back to her again, only resulting in her pulling away a little further this time. I look in her eyes feeling as if I'm about to cry, but trying not to by blinking away the tears that threaten to spill. Wanting to hear the truth as to why she is doing this, but also scared to find out as well.

"Why did you give this to me?" I ask, as I struggle to get the rest out. "Do... Do you not love me anymore, or something? Because this, uh... It's kinda feeling like you're breaking up with me." I say, feeling dejected. She shakes her head, then kisses me. Though it wasn't like the others we've shared. This one was different. She felt... distant. Almost as if she was kissing me for the last time, like it was a goodbye.

"No. No, of course I still love you. I love you so freaking much, I really do, you need to believe that. It's just that, as much as I don't want to do this. I just don't see how we can continue with our relationship after you hear what I have to tell you. That being said, I will also be moving out. Please don't try and convince to stay, because I've made up my mind. I've already got most of my things packed and I've made plans to stay with Sarah for time being."

I am even more confused after she says this. How can she say she loves me so much, when her actions at the moment don't show that at all?

"Louis..." She began, speaking a little quieter now. "...I'm pregnant" Almost immediately after she said that, she got up and headed to the door.

As quickly as I could I got up and stopped her. I grabbed her hand, pulling her back to me and smiled as I kissed her.

Unfortunately, she didn't kiss me back. I pulled away, my smile fading a little, though still present. "This is great news, why are you running away. What made you think we couldn't still be together because of this?"

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, and she looked... broken. As if this was the worst thing that could happen, but why? Wasn't this what we wanted? To start a family? I was so confused.

I was taken from my thoughts by a small voice saying, "because... it's not yours." And with that she ran out the door.

Those words hit me like a freight train, and I just stood there, frozen. My heart shattered on the floor around me.

It wasn't mine. Those words repeated themselves in my mind, over and over. But, if not mine, then whose? And when? How long had she been going behind my back with some other guy?

What happened to us?

A/N Hey guys if you liked this, please vote, comment, and share this story with others, thanks. 

Plus I will need a cover made for this story, I am not the best at doing covers, so if anyone would be kind enough to make me one, I will be very grateful, and I will dedicate a chapter to you as thanks.

- Sarah

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