Larzaylea/Mystal: A quick valentines day update :-)

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Haii guys! Sorry I've not updated in a while! I'm like the worlds biggest procrastinator! 😂😂😂😂 But this is just a quick little update on the Valentine's Day stuff and the truth about Larzaylea with a little bit of Mystal to make up for neglecting this book for way too long! 😊😊😊😊😊😊 Enjoy! 💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️

Okay I'm sorry but the photo that 'Luke' posted isn't cute or anything like everyone's saying! It's completely forced. We all know what Luke looks like when he's genuinely happy and that isn't it! He looks bored and uncomfortable and tired as fuck which is how he usually always looks around her! Arz forced him to take this photo coz it's Valentine's Day so obviously all the 'Couples' need some attention and shit to gain more publicity as that all Larzaylea and Mystal are! They're both Just PR! Hence all the HQ photos of both 'couples' and the paps following them literally everywhere they go! Paps don't just show up outta the blue and there's some Larzaylea photos that have been taken in places were Paps are completely forbidden unless planned! But either Arz forced him to post that Valentine's photo or she posted it herself from his account coz I mean Luke has literally never acknowledged her before so why tf would he just randomly start now? And he's not even been with her all day! Oh and 'he' also said 'My best friend' and not 'My Girlfriend' and tbh the caption doesn't even sound like Luke at all! It's sounds like Arz. Larzaylea is an abusive and toxic relationship! Arz is controlling as fuck! That's why Larzaylea isn't as obvious as Mystal PR wise and that's why everyone believes that they're real! Mikey can at least leave us hints but Luke can't even do that! It's been confirmed by people who know Arz personally that she's abusive and that she uses people for her own advantage so people can't even fight me on that! 😂😂😂😂 I've been analyzing and looking into Larzaylea for quite a few months now and I can tell that Luke is broken and dead inside! I can tell just by his eyes that he's internally screaming for help! He's forced to do things and go to places that he doesn't want to do and/or go to! Like the Pre-Grammy party thingy the other night! Only Larzaylea and Mystal went to it! Cashton just chilled at home and watched it on the TV! Arz and Crystal obviously made Luke and Mikey go to the event coz they knew that they'd get attention and publicity there! It was all just for the PR! If it wasn't then either Cashton would have gone to the event too or none of them would have gone as there was literally no reason at all for any of them to be there! Not to mention that both Arz and Crystal work together! They both work for White Social and they both work in PR and Publicity and Arz even helps Crystal to plan most of the PR events! They also both have access to the boys social media accounts and their families social media accounts btw! Larzaylea and Mystal are so fucking similar it's unbelievable and it's sad how nobody realizes it! The only difference really is that Arz is soooo much more controlling than Crystal and she craves the attention a lot more! Hence why she's been quiet for a while and stuff! Everyone thinks that she's changed but she hasn't changed at all! She's just gone quiet! She's just trying to get everyone to kiss her ass coz the more followers she has then the more money she'll make from The PR! Also without Luke she'd literally have nothing! She'd have nowhere to live and she wouldn't be able to afford anything and she'd lose all her precious followers and shit! She doesn't actually live with Luke or anything though! She's just staying there for a while! She's just trying to make everyone believe that they're living together for once again, the attention and the publicity! That's all she wants and that's why she's so subtle and stuff about it all now coz she needs to make Larzaylea as believable as possible! She honestly couldn't care less about Luke! And that's why Larzaylea hasn't ended yet and why she's too fucking clingy and shit! She doesn't wanna lose him coz without him she'll lose literally everything as she clearly doesn't know how to be independent and how to work for the things that you want! 😑😑😑😑😑😑 She doesn't even care about Petunia! She got her for the PR as well! Crystal uses South as a way to show people that she's still with Mikey! If Mikey is in a photo with South then we know that they're still together! Just like if Luke is in a photo with Petunia, and he's posted a lot of photos with Petunia! Then we know that him and Arz are still together! Arz doesn't give a shit about the dog! She literally goes every day and night and leaves her with Luke who luckily loves her and looks after her! Petunia doesn't like Arz either! Dogs can sense when something's not right with a person and Petunia can definitely sense that something is off with Arz! My cousin is a vet and she's an expert at this type of thing and I showed her the very few photos we have of Arz and Petunia and she completely agreed with me that Petunia can sense that something's very very off about Arz and that she doesn't like her or want to be around her that much! 😕😕😕😕😕😕 Arz is nothing but an abusive, blackmailing, way too dependent, manipulating, attention seeking leech! I also know for a facts that she actually a rude ass bitch coz my friend both her and Crystal at SLFL and they both called her fat and laughed at her and they were just so rude to her and they literally made her cry and everything! 😕😕😕😕 Tbh Arz's own family don't even like her so that says quite a lot really! 😕😕😕😕 So basically Luke is trapped and he really need to be saved! As does Mikey! It would just be great if people would stop falling for Arz's bullshit mind games and stop getting so salty when they get told the damn truth!! 😔😔😔😔😔😔

If any of you are hurt or upset by Luke and Mikey's Valentine's Day posts and stuff then please don't be! There's absolutely nothing to worry about! They're all just shitty PR and those photos had to be posted for the Valentine's Day publicity and shit! But none of it is actually real! It's all fake as fuck so smile  and be happy and stay strong for our beautiful boys! We can save them! I just know it! I love you guys soooooo so much and I promise to stop procrastinating and update more often! 💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️😊

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