Why Larzaylea is PR and Arz is a shitty person 💩🐭

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I've explained a lot of this like a million times and people still don't listen! Sorry if a lot of this is repeated from earlier chapters! It shouldn't be toooooo similar or anything though! 😊😊😊😊😊😊

• Arz is is literally the shittiest person alive!

• She always either promotes that you have to be fake to be beautiful or she promotes products that are really fucking bad for you!

• She does a bunch of drugs and is an alcoholic

• She's a compulsive liar and literally lies about everything! Including her interests!

• She a BULLY and she never acts her fucking age!

• She's known to be mentally abusive

• She fakes her mental illnesses

• She pretends to be nice just for attention! Like literally at SLFL she'd go out to the main area and talk to just a certain amount of fans just to make sure that she's seen and shit and so more people will kiss her ass and then she'd just go backstage and would refuse to talk to anyone else and she'd be rude as fuck! Just like she was to my friend unfortunately! My friend met both Arz and Crystal and they both called her ugly and laughed at her as she walked away and they just made her feel like absolute shit! When you hear about Arz being nice and stuff she's just acting! She's literally always acting! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

• She even pretends to live with Luke just to make the relationship more believable when she actually just goes there for a few hours a day to take pics and stuff for social media and then leaves!

• She's fake AF and she's a major hypocrite

• She's cheated on Luke multiple times

• She only cares about Luke's money, his looks and the attention that she gets from him. She literally once said that the best thing about dating Luke is his money! 😑😑😑😑😑😑

• She always talks about other guys in ways you really shouldn't when you have a BF!

• She literally invites herself EVERYWHERE! Like Luke never invites her anywhere! She even invited herself to Aus both times they visited! Well the first time was half planned coz they went to that zoo and that zoo keeper literally made an IG acc the EXACT same time Larzaylea landed in Aus and he posted like 3 photos and then that photo of him, Luke and Arz with the koala bears just so everyone knew that they were together and he even said something like 'Luke's beautiful girlfriend' or something in the caption which he ended up having to change! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Arz wasn't invited to Luke's house though! She just turned up without Luke even knowing about it!

• Luke's family look absolutely miserable in the family photos with Arz in them and I'm sorry but that's not fucking normal! You're supposed to be happy and smiling in family photos! Even Luke's lil cousins looked uncomfortable and miserable AF and since when do kids ever look like that!?

• She's always sticking her nose into things that aren't her fucking buisness!

• She's friends with all the other fake LA snakes

• Both Liz and Karen posted photos of their sons with their 'GFs' not long after each other. The families are involved with the PR though.

• Arz literally works in PR and has and still does work along side Crystal

• Her and Luke both went to the first trip to Bali which was planned SPECIFICALLY for PR and the PR couples!

• Modest! Is a load of shit and they only care about the money! They make almost all their popular acts do PR shit and Luke is the lead singer and the front man of the band but he's also really shy and awkward and he's never had any drama or anything before this which makes him an easy ass target!

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