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I quickly turned on my heels and ran after the little girl, who's dead straight blonde hair flew behind her. Soon a little brown haired boy joined me in my dash to catch the girl, her twin brother to be specific. Soon the little blonde had worn herself out and sat on the ground with a small klunk.

"Daddy!" She whined. "I don't want to go to bed. I want to go see mama."

I sighed and pressed my lips against her forehead.

"Mama isn't going anywhere Tara. You can see her tomorrow and the next day and the next day after that." I said lifting the two little children up in my arms.

"But I want to see her now." She said as I walked them to their room.

"I know baby girl. So do I."

Soon Tara had nodded off and I carefully placed her in her bed, tucking her in tight under the covers.

"Dada, is mama ever going to come back?" Thomas asked.

"No buddy. She's not. But she's always with us okay. No matter where we go or what we do, she's with you, Judah, Heath, Tessa, Tara and Tilda." I said to him tucking him into his race car bed.

"Okay dada." He yawned falling asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.

"Ash, Quen's here." Heath said as I walked out of the twins room.

"Cool. You guys go easy on him alright. He's getting senile in his old age." I said.

"He's thirty five, jeez. He's only like three years older than you." Judah said walking up beside his twin.

"Who said I wasn't getting senile too?" I asked with a chuckle walking towards the front room where Quen was waiting. "Hey man. Thanks for offering to look after them. Tessa is at a friends place, the twins and Tilda are asleep, and Jude and H can stay up until like ten. I'll be back later tonight or early tomorrow."

"No problem man. You're a great dad by the way. Not many couples can juggle two fifteen year olds, a twelve year old, two five year olds and a three year old, let alone a widowed husband." He said.

"I try my hardest." I said. "It's hard without her."

"Tell me about it. I'll let you on your way I suppose."

I smiled and walked out the door. I got on my motorbike and rode off down the street. In the past years so much has happened. All our high school friends got married, as did Cara and I. We had kids and built a life... And then on Valentine's Day, the birth of Tilda came around.  As did Cara's death.

That day, I lost my wife. But I gained a miracle, my princess.

Time has passed and as it has, I've realised, now, more than ever how short life really is. In the blink of an eye your life can go from picturesque, to millions of shattered pieces on the ground.

And still I remember the day, back when I started at Cara's high school. I look back on that day and smile, because not only did I meat the love of my life. But I completed the beginning of my journey.

And I've nowhere near reached the end.

Sup guys. This is a lot shorter than I said it would be, but that's because all my ideas are for the sequel, and yes there will be one. It should be posted late February or early to mid March at latest, I will be posting a notification not only attached to this book, but also to my message board, so if you want a notification for that, either keep this book in your library or archive, or chuck us a follow, as you will be notified either way, when I post the book. Thank you for your endless support, and remember to send me through your feedback. Don't be a silent reader, comment, vote and share.

Much love- Jo

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