Chapter 1

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Lauren is sitting in her room listening to a song she recorded a while back, she loves music. It's one of those things that always cheer her up, whenever she's down she sings. Lately however, she hasn't done much singing. She used to sing with her mother, and when she passed away it became more and more difficult.

Mama you taught me to do the right things

So now you have to let your baby fly

You've given me everything that I will need

To make it through this crazy thing called life

Lauren finally decides that she doesn't want to stay in her bed, drowning herself in her own tears. She would rather drown her tears in beers. She jumps out of her window, landing on a rock almost falling, but she stands up, and starts walking.

Halfway on her way she feels her phone buzzing in her pocket, she takes it out but quickly puts it back when she sees it's her father calling. She can deal with him later, so she turns off her phone, and keeps walking. Lauren arrives outside a modern looking club with a neon sign saying "The Edge". She has never been there before, so she tries to enter. A big man in a fancy suit ask if she has I.D, Lauren just stares at him.

«Do you honestly believe that I'm under twenty one? How dumb are you?» Lauren puts on an offended look. «I'm sorry but I need I.D» The man looks a bit nervous. «Do I have to call my dad, because he is the damn owner of this club, let me in or get fired!» She shouts in the security guards face. He stumbles back a bit before he let's her pass. «Sorry..» He says looking away. «whatever» Lauren walks pass him and into the club.

She goes over to the bar and is greeted by a young man, his name tag says «Brad». He smiles before asking her what she wants, she quickly answers beer, he nods and goes to get one. When he returns he looks at her with a grin before saying; «Wanna hook up?»

Lauren just glares at him before grabbing the beer and is about to go away when he grabs her arm. «Don't be such a dyke, let's go to my place, my shift is done in a minute» Lauren must admit he is good looking, but his attitude is so ugly that she want to punch him.

«Let go of me» She says threatening. «No» He looks a bit drunk which is weird, since he is working. Lauren doesn't care, she will punch him if she has to. «No?» She says with an angry voice, «I'm not letting go» he answers back.

«Fine, you know what, I'm going to punch you.» He starts laughing. «You? punching me? You must be really drunk, little girl.» Just as he is about to drag her with him Lauren snaps. She starts screaming and punching him and all the people in the club watches with amusement, but nobody does anything.

Lauren keeps landing punches and just as she's about to kick him in the face, two strong arms grab her from behind. «Calm down» It was a beautiful voice, but Lauren didn't notice , she was too busy trying to get free, thinking that whoever was holding her wanted to hurt her.

«You got to calm down»The beautiful voice tries to calm Lauren down, but just as before Lauren doesn't listen. The strong arms spin Lauren around making her face the person holding her, Lauren freezes.

«Honey, you have got to calm down.» Lauren looks at the woman standing before her, how can those strong hands belong to her? The woman has long brown hair, and brown stunning eyes, they were calming to look into. Lauren didn't know what to say. It was a young woman, probably around the age of 25. Lauren had never seen a woman this gorgeous before.

«Are you okay?» She asks with a calm voice, still holding Lauren so she won't do anything stupid. «I'm not a kid, let me go.» Lauren tries to break free but the woman keeps holding her. «I know you're not a kid, because you wouldn't have gotten in if you were, but you are acting as one, so what's wrong?» She says trying to calm Lauren down and find out what the hell happened.

«That douche over there tried to rape me or something.» Lauren looks over at the bloody Brad sitting on a chair with some people looking after him. «Is that so?» The woman asks Lauren not sure if she should believe her or not. «Yeah, and about the getting in here part, I might not be old enough, what does it matter anyways?» Lauren says casually. «What? Young lady come with me.»

She starts dragging Lauren with her but Lauren starts squirming. «Stop squirming, or do I have to call your parents?» She says with a stern voice, looking at Lauren. «No need for that, now let me go!» Lauren screams into the woman's face, before ripping her wrist out of her grasp and running towards the door. She manages to open the door and starts running, she can hear the woman yell for her to stop, but she doesn't turn around, she just keeps running.


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