Chapter 8

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Emma's POV

I was putting on my final touches of makeup when there was a knock on the door. I ran over in my silver heels.

It was Daniel.

"Hel-" Daniel stopped.

"Do I look bad?" I asked.

"You look beaut- I mean really pretty!" he stumbled over his words.

I look at my self in the full length mirror. I smoothed out my blue chiffon dress and adjusted my silver earrings and necklace.

Daniel held his arm out and I took it. He looked dashing in a blazer which he wore over jeans.

"You look great too." I said to him.

"Thanks! ow!" he exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"It's just hand." he replied.

I took his hand and he flinched. His hand was a little swollen and blue.

"What did you do to it?" I asked.

"I...umm...kinda punched...a wall?" he stammered.

"Daniel Jacob Radcliffe! Why on earth did you punch a wall?" I shouted.

"Cause.... oh look there's Rupert!" Daniel said quickly.

Rupert's POV

I saw Daniel and Emma holding hands and thought to myself that they would be such a cute couple!

"I was thinking we all could go to Lá Jòiser for dinner." I said. It was a really nice Italian restaurant that only like celebrities went too. I would be happy to get away from screaming fangirls for a while.

"Sounds good!" said Daniel and Emma nodded.

~~~~~~AT DINNER~~~~~~~~~~~~

Daniel's POV

"Um...I'll have the chicken spaghetti." I said looking at the menu.

Rupert and Emma ordered their food too.

Soon our meals arrived and we started eating. We just talked about random stuff and celebrities and they've done. But I couldn't pull my eyes away from Emma. And her smile and laugh were adorable.

Then it was time to go back.

Emma went to her room. Rupert and I stopped at his house to get his things because he was staying over. we went back to my room.

"So Rupert what do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking we could watch..." Rupert said while rummaging through a bag.

He pulls out Anchorman 1.

"Yeah!!" I yelled while inserting the DVD.

After the movie we decided to make prank phone calls.

We called Victoria Secret.

"Hi," Rupert says. "I wanted to see if you guys carry lace thongs and bras."

The phone was on speaker and the lady at the other end said, "Excuse me? But aren't you a....a guy?"

"Of course!" said Rupert. "But I want to buy my girlfriend a present... and I want it to be SPICY!!!!" Rupert yelled.

The lady was I'm guessing shocked because she just replied saying, "Are you a stripper?"

At this Rupert and I ended the call then laughed till we were crying.

Then we called some more places.

At 2:30 am we finally went to bed still laughing.


Hi yes I know the end sucked but...oh well... I'm currently writing the next chapter. Ok and if u guyz would like to follow me on Instagram my username is: teenpostsandpotter

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