Chapter 8

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I had a dream. I don't usually remember any of them, which is why my dream journal is empty. But this one was vivid. It was the kind that you want to continue after you wake up but you know you can't. I was at the baseball field, practicing with an automatic ball thrower. I was alternating between catching and batting. Only one light was on, and it was pointed at me. All around me was pitch black darkness. The balls ran out of the machine, and I stepped up to put more balls in there, but Cassandra Owens came out from the darkness to do it for me. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there. After she put in more balls, she turned to me.
"You know, you're not that bad. You're pretty good looking and you're not too muscley, just the way I like my men. Why didn't you tell me about Jason huh? Grayson had the balls to do it."
And that's when I woke up, and I remembered. On our last night of "bro week" Jason and I got super drunk and played truth or dare, but, we made truth or dares for each other while we were sober in the beginning of the week. We wrote them on paper and separated them into two piles, one for truths and one for dares. We asked each other the classic question, "truth or dare?" whatever the person picked, the other handed them the bowl filled with whatever they choose. Grayson picked dare, and the dare he got was "call a random person and confess something to them". So Grayson called Jason to confess to him that he actually hated baseball and only played because his dad was on the baseball team, and it was very important to his dad that he played too, especially since his mom died giving birth to Grayson. But, when he called, Cassandra Owens picked up the phone. It was on speaker, so I heard the whole thing:
"What's up"
"Who is this?"
"Grayson Biggs, I need to talk to Jason Hewitt"
"Um, Jason Hewitt can't come to the phone right now can I take a message?"
And the next thing that happened was a blur, I guess I wanted to forget it ever happened so when I got sober, I did and only now did I remember, a whole week later.
"Yes, my fair lady, is this Cassandra Owens that I am speaking to?"
"Yes, you are correct"
"Perfect, can you tell Jason that I want to thank him for sleeping with that hooker during my bachelor party last Saturday because I didn't, he really took one for the team, literally. Anyway have a good night."
Grayson just hung up and started laughing, I started laughing too and then we both stopped. We looked at each other, for what seemed like a year, and all I could say was "it's your turn Gray, ask me". An hour after the incident, there was a knock, no it was a bang at my door. Jason had come to kick Grayson's ass. I talked him down and told him that we were both drunk and that I dared him to do it, Jason was about to kick my ass, but Grayson stepped in and said that the dare was to confess something to anybody, and it was his choice. Grayson also told Jason that he was quitting the team and that he won't bother them ever again, he also said that if he doesn't want to be a groomsman anymore then he doesn't have to be, in fact he doesn't even have to come to the wedding. All Jason said was, "If I ever see you again Biggs, I'll make you real small." Then he stormed off to his BMW. I never saw Jason so angry before. He was red and clenching his fists the entire time. His eyes were puffy, he must've really loved Cassandra Owens. Who wouldn't. Grayson then apologized for being an ass, and left. I called Grayson again, he didn't pick up. Then I called Sarah, for the first time since 7th grade.
"Hey, Sarah."
"Hello, who is this?"
"It's Grayson's best man."
"Why can't you ever just say your name?"
"I didn't think you'd want to hear it."
"Well I guess you thought right. What do you want anyway?"
"Gray isn't answering my calls, can you please tell me he's alright?"
"Well you ruined his life so no he's not alright. After he left your stupid "bro week" he came home packed up his stuff and left me a note, A NOTE. He wrote that he had to take a break from the town until things cooled down, and that he still loves me and is sorry for leaving and that I'll need to postpone the wedding. And I know it's all your fault, so please don't ever call here again. You ruined our life, thanks for nothing."
She hung up before I had a chance to ask where Grayson went. He didn't come back to school. But he returned to the town a month later. I came by, and Grayson just kept apologizing, he said he ruined everything, and he didn't even call me. I told him that he was just stupid, and that it wasn't his fault, he wasn't thinking straight. Then he told me he was moving to a town that's 30 miles away. He bought a house and that he and Sarah will move there this week and have the wedding in the old house right before they sell it. I came home that night, and for the first time since the 7th grade, I cried.

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