I Love Weddings

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Today had been an extremely long day. Seeing as how I almost died by getting ran off the road by the sheriff's  of charming  and getting handcuffed to a pole outside in the blazing hot sun  I had to say that this was definitely not the way I had intended to start off my prospecting for the Sons of Anarchy.

But now it was time we had Opie and Layla's wedding. I chuckled as we pulled up onto the reserve and seen that Roosevelt was sitting at the entrance watching us all ride in.

The man had been on my ass ever since he had moved into charming and had taken place as head Sheriff. When he found out that I was involved with the Sons of Anarchy through Clay he was constantly on watch with me. Now it seemed that when he seen me with the kutte and patch on he was even more likely to be on my ass than before.

I pulled my bike up along the side of the group of guys at the end of the drive-in off to the side. Of course I was at the very end of the line being prospect but it was better than nothing I had suppose. Turning off my bike I kicked the kickstand down and unfastened my helmet putting it on the handlebars to my bike.

I then proceeded to swing my leg over the bike and stand up. I stretched my legs out a bit and put my arms behind my back stretching them as well. It had been a longer ride than expected but enjoyable nevertheless.

"Well, ain't this just a suprise?"

I heard a foreign voice call out. I turned just in time to see a Mexican wearing a Mayan's kutte with a president's patch on the front.

"A woman Son. Never thought I'd see the day."

He continued. I was slightly confused. Why was this man talking to me and why was he here at Opie's wedding.

"Alvarez, thanks for coming."

Clay said as he walked over. Clay and Jax had gotten here earlier apparently. The two of them embraced before Clay pulled away and held out his hand toward me.

"My niece, Clara Morrow."

He said which caused the man to raise a brow looking slightly impressed.

"You're the girl who took care of the Russians in Stockton? Very impressive."

He told me with a nod of his head. I nodded back not really knowing what to say to the president of what used to be a rival Club complimenting me on a job that nearly got myself killed on.

Pretty soon we split off into groups or just by ourselves. I walked over to the outdoor tent that was strung up with flowers and white Vines. There were dozens of chairs lined up down the white paper aisleway that was littered with flowers as well.

Curtains drew around the walkway on the outer side of the chairs. Along with the curtains being on the outer tent area which is what made it become a tent. I stood there with my hands and my pants pockets as I looked around never having guests but I would have been at Opie's wedding. I guess I always assumed that he and Donna would have been together, but I learned very quickly early on the even if you weren't part of the club you were still in danger of Club business.


Tig sad walking up alongside of me. I glanced his way as I gave him a small nod.


I greeted back. The two of us just stood there beside each other. If I were to stretch my or amount I would be able to touch him that's how close he was standing to me by my left side. Neither one of us spoke much as we stood there merely looking at the scene in front of us.

It was then Tig turned his head to look at me. I seen this out of my peripheral vision and I turned to look at him as well. Our eyes met and in that moment I knew that there was something to dwelling on his mind. He just had that look in his eyes that told me that he needed to speak to me, but he didn't know exactly how to go about doing so.

"So... you and Chibs huh?"

He asked me quietly so that nobody close by could hear what we were saying. I raised the brown and looked at him with my hand still in my pockets. I nodded my head not really having thought this would have been the conversation that we would have been having at this moment. But I guess that's why he was so unpredictable, because he did the unprotected.

"Yeah, but nobody else club wise knows. Aside from Kozik."

I said. It was very important especially now that we kept our relationship hidden from the club. Now that I was a patched member Chibs was technically my brother and one of the club rules was that a brother could not be romantically involved with another brother.

Obviously for reasons it was greatly frowned upon. I always thought it a stupid rule but in the long run I understood. Emotions ran high in the club and being emotionally involved aside from just family matters with a brother would end up ruining the club or getting somebody killed in the end.

"Does he know?"

He asked me. I raised a brown looking at him obviously not knowing what he was talking about given such little information.

"About us not being us anymore?"

He asked me. I narrow my eyes for a moment as I looked away from him. I can't believe he actually had the nerve to call us an "us" when he never wanted that in the first place. He had pushed me aside and practically into the arms of his brother. Now at a wedding he decided to ask me this question?

"There never was an us. You and I both knew that the moment that you said you didn't want to be with me."

I spat pack with more venom than what I had originally intended. He just looked at me as if lost. He tilted his head to the side a bit as he continued to stare at me and then shook his head slowly before glancing at the ground with a sad and expression.

"I didn't mean it like that. I was just trying to keep you from getting hurt. I had feelings for you, I still have feelings for you, but I didn't want you to waste your time waiting on me."

He explained. I shook my head starting to feel angry with this conversation. This was definitely not the time and not the place to discuss this. Furthermore he had no right to be telling me that he was doing it for my own well-being. I was an adult and fully able to make my own decisions and do as I please. If I wanted to wait for him I would have waited for him with or without his consent.

"You're a fucking asshole."

I said shaking my head before I turn to the right and walked away. I didn't bother glancing back over my shoulder to see what he was doing, because I didn't care what he was doing. He had just gotten out of prison and already he was acting as if he was trying to take me back.

This was going to be one hell of a wedding I could already tell.

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