officiallyMandy ----- 'Bad Girl'

45 2 1

These questions have been answered by: officiallyMandy.

1. What is the title of your story?

A. Bad Girl.

2. What is the genre of this story?

A. Fanfiction and I guess Comedy.

3. Can you give the summary for this story?

A. There's a girl named Ashley that gets her own way and does her own thing. She never listens. But when she meets Harry everything changes.

4. What gave you inspiration and ideas for the story?

A. I write a lot of stuff and I love One Direction. So this just popped into my head.

5. Why do you think that your story is good for people to read?

A. I really don't know. I guess it's just my fantasies that I have but I hope who ever reads it likes it.

6. Lastly, Anything to say to people who read your story?

A. I will update more when I get my laptop back.

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