ForeverSabrina ----- 'Unfinished (Louis Tomlinson fan fiction}'

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These questions have been answered by: ForeverSabrina.

1. What is the title of your story?

A. Unfinished (Louis Tomlinson fan fiction).

2. What is the genre of the story?

A. Fan Fiction and Teen Fiction.

3. Can you give the summary for this story?

A. A year after her mother's terrible death in a mall shooting, Angie's aunt and uncle decide to ship her over to the UK to attend a boarding school. She is introduced to a rising new boyband, One Direction. She finds herself falling for band member Louis Tomlinson. Just as the missing pieces seem to fall into place, something dark within her, a deep paranoia begins taking over her entire life putting herself and the ones she loves in danger. Through Angie's troubles she discovers that things might not be exactly the way she preserves them, an her eyes are opened to the truth of what truly happened.

4. What gave you ideas and inspiration for this story?

A. When my parents divorced, my dad's actions and words inspired a lot of the characteristics of Angie. Also my reason for wanting to a twisting, confusing story was because of me obsessed with the movies Shutter Island and Secret Widow at the time.

5. Why do you think that your story is good for people to read?

A. Its different compared to other stories on all levels. It's not your usual JUST a bump in the road story. I go to a different level by writing about the unwritten, mental illnesses and self- harm. People sometimes look down upon self-harm and mental illnesses but if you can get passed that, its not like any other story you've read. Especially not a 1D fan fic.

6. Lastly, anything to say to those who have read this story?

A. Thank you! You're amazing and I am grateful for each read, vote and comment. Also if you deal with self-harm or any mental illness I just want you to know, you're not alone and there is help :)

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