KatLovesHazza ----- 'Twisted Love'

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These questions have been answered by: KatLovesHazza

1. What is the title of your story?

A. Twisted Love.

2. What is the genre of your story?

A. Vampire/ Fan Fiction.

3. Can you give the summary for this story?

A. "Mummy is there such a thing as evil" Arya Fox, just a typical girl. Nothing at all extraordinary about her. She's grown up knowing someone she's never met! A young man who stands below in the street. But when he goes missing...the day Arya's mum dies of cancer, Arya believes that she'll never see him again. But 10 years later, when 5 mysterious guys move in next door, followed by a wrath of death and murder, Arya begins to notice the youngest resemblance (Harry), to her mystery man!...He will keep you close, He will keep you safe, He will keep you... Forever....

4. What gave you inspiration and ideas for this story?

A. I'm not quite sure, I never really thought about it. I'm quite into vampires and Horror movies and I guess I wanted to write a love story in the mix of all that.

5. Why do you think your story is good for people to read?

A. Because it's not like other books. The vampire (Harry) is not your typical Romeo and the girl (Arya) isn't your typical Juliet either! They don't just all of a sudden fall easily in love, they do notice strange feelings at first but they don't identify it as love.

6. Lastly, anything to say to people who ready your story?

A. To all my readers, Thank you! Without you guys I wouldn't be writing :) xx

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