Guns and Grandpa

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Copyright 2013

All Rights Reserved

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

ok this is my first story:

hope you guys enjoy it :)

Maya pov

I'm an eighteen year old teenaged girl who sleeps like a rock whenever she sleeps and that is strictly/only night time... tired I might be but I can't just fall asleep at any other time of the's really frustrating and once I'm awake it takes me ages to fall back now you can imagine my anger when after a hard week of semi-final exams which involved laborious amount of studying and hardly any sleep I get a chance to sleep peacefully without any tensions and is cruelly disturbed by a seven year old shouting my name in a sing-song voice at 7 freaking AM...I love kids but right now I felt like shoving a pair of socks into his mouth and lock him in the bathroom or just throw him out the window. Agh! I so hate him right now, and the singing continues "Maya maya Maya mayayaya ma ma ma Maya Maya". I chose to ignore him and pulled the duvet over my head which was already under the pillow, he would stop eventually.

Who was I kidding as soon as I thought those word that seven year old monster started jumping on my bed and began singing the Tarzan and Jane song by toybox obviously with some changes...where did a seven year old hear that song?? And now the singing continues again..."my name is Aman the jungle man, the tree top swinger from neighbor's land... oe.oe.oe.oe.oe.oe.oe I'm Aman and I love to jump on Maya's bed...Aman is handsome Aman is strong Aman is cute says maya all the time..."bad rhyming "oe.oe.oe.oe.oe.oe.oe there is fruit custard in freezer which I'm gonna eat..oe.oe.oe.oe..." at that my head snapped and I bolted up and gave my best glare which said 'don't even think about eating it'.

Aman was shocked to see me out of the bed so quick but then was back to his monsterness and bolted out of my room probably to eat my custard. I ran after him and caught up shoved him lightly on the sofa on my way to the kitchen laughing maniacally and then took the custard and placed it on the top shelf of the freezer so he couldn't reach it...he came in after me pouting and giving me the best puppy dog face EVER...i looked away "no no no that not going to work today, am not sharing the fruit custard this is your punishment for disturbing my peaceful sleep" he tried again by hanging his head low, hunching his shoulder and to top it all exhaling! kids these days. I was seconds away from giving in but his annoying singing rang up in my ears so I just gave him an evil a minute all his cute looks and sad face was replaced by evil glint in his eyes he stuck his tongue at me and ran away singing the same annoying song "oe.oe.oe.oe.oe.oe.oe I'm Aman and I love to jump on Maya's bed..".

"Thank God I didn't give in, monster kid".

Aman was my neighbor; he lived with his five elder brothers and grandfather, Daha Malik.Among the brothers twins Abhay and Anshuman being the eldest about 23 years, I hardly see them around as they have some family business in Delhi and visit home twice a month or on special occasions. Daksh who is 21 and is into hotel management and who is an employee in his family's own 5-star hotel because he want strive hard and to learn things like any of his friends would without their own hotels, 'classic' right...

Then there is Rahil who is pursuing B.A degree in oxford I have never seen him....and finally there is Saahil 19 year old who is like a big brother/best friend to me.Saahil was the only one who moved here when he was 5 and use to visit his parents and brothers during vacations. Last but not the least is Aman who is a constant headache to the colony but I love that kid more than anyone else. The malik brothers moved to india from U.S three years ago, they lost their parents in a car accident and decided to come stay with their grandfather. They all loved and adored their grandfather whom we all called Daha since he insisted on being called by his name.

I was snapped from my thoughts when I heard the house phone ringing.I picked it up "hello" was my friend Riya who was laughing hardly "are you drunked ?"I enquired she continued laughing and replied "no, am not...but am sane enough to not leave my cell phone somewhere a kid named Aman could find it and send weird tarzan and jane song to every contact present in the cell" and she burst out into another series of not so girlish laughter. "Amannnnn!!!!" I shouted on top of my lungs "I'm going to murder that kid".

After having a hectic day of chasing Aman out of the house, helping mom with the laundry and then shopping for farewell cards to give to my friends, I was so tired that as soon as I hit the pillow I fell asleep. Tomorrow was the 12th standard farewell party...I was excited to see all my friend in 'sari' (A/N sari :long wide cloth worn as a dress. a very long wide piece of cloth, especially silk, that women in India wrap around their bodies to make a type of long dress) and sad that we will be going to different colleges to pursue our career goals.

I got this forest green faux georgette sari with antique gold and black intricate work on the borders. I also had these black pencil heels which would go perfectly with it. Riya bought same material sari but light pink in color and wide zardosi work on borders,it was beautiful!,i made Riya promise that she will give it to me for a week...what can i say i love sari. I fell asleep thinking about all the beautiful dresses my friends were planning to wear.

Next morning I got up late coz some idiot changed the alarm in my cell phone. I got ready in half an hour...extremely fast for a girl dressing up for a farewell party and rushed to school.

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