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Maya's POV:

                    So I am on full sprint,a guy who claims I'm grand-daughter of some hacker is running behind me and behind him are some chinese guys who look like villains from jackie chan movies...what did I do to be chased by them, thought I would enjoy today since it was Farewell in all defences though I enjoyed this the payment for enjoying too much!,being chased by weird people.

                    I was brought back from  my arduous thinking  by a loud bang and few seconds later something wizzed by my ear  " fudge! was that a bullet?" I screeched and turned around only to be met by Danial who was running on top speed and had a muderous face, I thought he was going to kill me with one punch,too late to turn around and run he was really close by so instincts took over and I covered my face with my hand, 5 seconds passed and there was no hit my way and so I peeked through my fingers  just in time to see him running past me with increased speed if its even possible he looked like mad dogs were behind him "what the hell!"...I looked back and saw that the other guys were still in pursuit without wasting time I ran again, it hurt like hell to run in heels but in a life and death situation you can even run in ice skates ,the mental image of that made me laugh and that made me doubt my sanity, situation like this and I'm laughing, way to go Maya.

                      I was a good athlete so I caught up with Danial pretty soon and gave him a death glare while running.I was in this mess because of him and he have the face to leave me alone and run ...he gave me a sheepish grin, 'aww he looks so cute' I mentally cursed my self for thinking that and gave him another death glare and a look saying 'what the hell is happening' and his exact words were "what!? they have guns...a-and I d-ont" he panted and continued "I dont know about you but I love myself and I'm pretty young to be killed or... painfully murdered" he winced. What a crazy ,mean guy and a while ago he was such a gentelman fake much.. he left me and ran! "so you had rather... me be killed or... 'painfully murdered' "  I shouted in between breaths. He looked like he was pondering on what I said "agghhhh!!!...Why me!?"..."because we were meant to be" he replied wiyth a playfull smirk....agh! if not the villain-with-guns guys am gonna kill him for sure .

                     I was annoyed, before I could do anything stupid like stop the chinese guys and ask "what is the matter and why are you chasing us"  like that would help, Danial spoke "look Maya I'm sorry, I will explain everything in detail later for now can you please tell or show me a good hiding place since you are a student here you know this place" that earned him a confused and amused look from me.He looked at me and eloborated "we have to wait till the guys leave,I can't leave you behind unprotected and fight with them" and that earned him a snort from me.

                    Thank God are school campus was huge we have being running for almost 10 minutes. Danial spoke again "its better if we hide in different place". I was shocked "L-like s-split" I stuttered.I was scared. He nodded and looked impatient ..oh yes the guys were still chasing us with gun shot ringing every now and then I shuddered "ok you see that left turn" I pointed with my hand   "at the end of it is a convent you can hide there.."  before I could finish he enquired "where will you be?" I thought for a second and answered "the drainage system...I always wanted to hide there while I was a kid" I said smiling fondly. He gave me 'are you crazy' face but nodded "hide there and do not make a sound, I will come and get you after 15 minutes" ha! like i would wait for him after what he did.. left me to freaking villain sharks with guns.. no way!,but I simply nodded because there was no time.

                       As soon as we took a left turn he ran straight and i moved to the left side where 1st grade classes were situated a few yards in front of them was the drainage way,in my defence it was this two foot rectangular cement pit which ran all the way till the end of cafetaria about 25 meters long, at this end was a small iron grill attached which lead to the underground area from what I remember there had this huge huts or somthing with danger signs on them...ohh how I know....

                       I once sneaked in there -out of curiosity- from other side through a huge circular cement pipe, it was fun but i was caught by the watchman because i could't climb the 4 feet wall which was the escape route while my friends ran for their life.I was really angry with them for leaving me like that but its was long time ago i was in 1st grade then "ohh how i missed those days" i mumbled to myself...i was brought back to reality by distant rumble of thunder.

           "ohh no,not rain" I grumbled.  its being 10 min since i was hiding here,i got up slowly and peeked outside there was no soul out there when i looked toward the convent i was shocked the shark guys were searching eash and every room "oh-uh poor Danial" I bit my lips out of nervousness, should I go and help him "No, he can fend for himself" i was debating whether to go and help him or not when a loud roar of thunder made me jump and turned around and ran like a bat out of hell shouting "sorry Danial "as I ran,the darkened sky was lit up by lightning and there was ocasional roar of thunder I reached the front gates and was so happy to see the driver waiting for me there that i did a little happy dance in my head and sat in the car with a reliefed smile. as i looked back at the retreating school parking lot and the jeep and car parked upfront my smile faltered and guilt washed through me "how can i leave a guy to die like that...".  His words kept flashing in my head "I'm pretty young to be killed or painfully murdered". I sighed in frustation and slouched back in my seat...

"i cannot go through the guilt if something happened to him..." I mumbled to myself.

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